Yes goy, it is the Jews.
So what? What you gonna do goyim? Nothing.
You allow us to influence your country and rule it.
You know who's controlling the government, the media, almost everything, yet you do nothing.

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Kek what a pathetic thread. You thought you were some hot shit creating this thread, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible OP you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb thread.


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Hello fellow Jew here. Pls stop being autistic and posting this shit. I would actually like to live an honorable life without the risk of having me and my woman lynched by a mob of angry people due to the actions taken by a very miniscule yet powerful minority within our culture. Thanks. Tldr stop being a nigger.

you never learn, do you
for all the numerous times your parasitic infestations have shown up, a purge came right after, every time you thought to be in control, you've been dragged out, bludgeoned to death and your shattered remains thrown up as the vermin you are, what is it now, a 110-111 times already ?
the only good thing about globalism is that the next purge will be all across the planet, there will be nowhere to hide from what you deserve

Nice kek

I like the Juice

but the holocaust never happened
it was just a psyop made up by jews to guide us goyim to teach us better morality
cope, seethe, dilate.

Two more weeks

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Not an antisemite or a nazi. If people are good at something they ought to be hired for it.
Diversity however. If it means a majority vant be white males, there shouldnt be a jewish majority in any industry either.

At what point does that make me a nazi? I wouldnt know.
If you want diversity so bad, why dont YOU flip burgers eh?

Your religion is retarded btw.

it is poetic justice, really
the moment the infections spreads, as the parasites you are, instead of happily mooching out of your hosts, you start to twist the knife, you glow with sadistic delight as more and more of your degenerate stain is injected, as more and more your host is eroded until, well, until the same society you've infested collapses and during that collapse, your obscene wealth and power glow as a beacon and the people, left with nothing zeroes on you and vest all of their anguish in demolishing your existence, all of your woes are self inflicted, because you never learn measure, nor temperance, you saw of the branches you sit on, it is at that point, your most defining quality

and the world, well, the world if you've missed it is unraveling, I am not sure when it will happen but I guarantee you, I'd bring a torch and a list with me

Soon Jew soon you shall know our revenge

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14 more days

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mario if jews rule japan

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i had a dream last night hitler saved me from grimlins. then the movie ended and I woke up

Stop lying, kike. You're all in on it. Let's have a look at what the talmud has to say:

God is displeased when Jews show hospitality to gentiles. (BT Sanhendrin 104a).

It is forbidden to teach gentiles the Law. (BT Hagigah 13a).

A gentile who studies the Law deserves death. (BT Sanhedrin 59a).

It is permissible to cheat a gentile in court. (BT Baba Kamma 113a).

For executing a gentile, only one person’s testimony is necessary. (To kill a Jew, two witnesses are necessary). (BT Sanhendrin 57b0>

Jews may steal from Non-Jews

If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile it does not have to be returned. (BT Baba Mezia 24a. Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

Property of gentiles is like the desert; whoever among the Jews gets there first, owns it. (BT Baba Bathra 54b).

If a gentile loses something, a Jew may keep it, even if he knows the owner. (BT Baba Kamma 113b).

A gentile must pay wages to a Jew, but a Jew does not have to pay wages to a gentile. (BT Sanhedrin 57a).

The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.” (BT Baba Kamma 37b).

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Doesn't sound anything like what a Jew would say.

It does sound like a very tiny little boy who is afraid of the JoooOOoss

Actually, its not jews. Its more often than not the whites claiming judaism as their faith or greatest ally. And Hitler is who caused that, as a jew can do nothing great by their own power other than lie.
Without their actions, the contribution of the jew is negligible.

you seem to be incapable of grasping the depth of pit you've dug yourself in to, choosing instead to mock the only person willing to tell you the truth about the sate of your condition, showing in turn that indeed I am right, jews are incapable of learning and are cursed with repeating their fall until they are no more
and thanks to your ilk tireless work no one will miss you

Jew face

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Lmao this comment has 0 replies because its true.

> Muh muh Im jew
Identity politics degenerates claiming glory while not doing shit

It’s the jehovas witnesses

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