
**California Right-to-Repair bill quietly killed in committee**
**Despite public support for more repairable gear, tech lobbying may have kept that from happening**

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Public support has zero bearing on whether a bill will pass, the US is an oligarchy and the people in charge don't even want you to have a toaster that will last longer than a year, let alone a phone.

>muh oligarchy
It's a CORPORATOCRACY, derptard.

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commiefornian communist bureaucrats worsen life for commiefornians, communists blame capitalism for actions of said communist bureaucrats

later prescribe more communism as the cure for communist bureacrats

we need more regulation to fix this!

aka an oligarchy

How are they communists if they apply laws that make capitalists richer?
Are you just a retard?

No. It's not a fucking oligarchy. It's a fucking CORPORATOCRACY. If you're going to arbitrarily designate things with fag verbiage then at least use the correct word.

You're just jelly than communists make more money than you.

since when amerimutts even know what oligarchy is?

what did people expect? california is the worst of american liberalism and the right wing rolled into one

>It's a fucking CORPORATOCRACY
aka an oligarchy

obviously it's when they're's an oligarchy

Nope. It's a corporatocracy.

>communist bureacrats
Knew a guy like that. Went to law school, had an MBA, typical trust fund kid. But also wore dreadlocks, went smashing store windows with his antifa buddies at night, and had Lenin's bust in his office.
Gotta watch out for those types.

aka an oligarchy

>communist oligarchy works better

Okay, and? America isn’t a democracy. We’re one of the least democratic countries in the developed world. The best we can do is operate without approval from authority. Louis Rossman, despite being deeply hated by /ourguys/, is one such solution to the problem, as well as every Pajeet that can fix your phone screen for $20. Government will never fix any problem unless we had a revolution or something.


Nah. Definitions matter to non-faggots. Corporatocracy is what it is and it is not an oligarchy.

>Corporatocracy is what it is
>and it is not an oligarchy.
aka oligarchy

Your country is a joke. Get over it, mutts.

Zoomer trash fag doesn't know what a long 's' is because it's never seen a book older than a few decades. Fucking sad cringe. Very troublesome mentality. Numerous cases such as it be!

>t. commie commie commie commie

communism is when you make rich people richer. exactly what carl marks laid out right?


>Numerous cases such as it be!
>Many such cases. Sad!
>Sad! Sad! Sad! Sad! Sad!
>Many le such le cases............. LE SAD!!!!!!
Stop with this stupid fucking cringe meme
Exclamation marks aren't even a real symbol

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>relying on the government to grant you your rights
>when all the government does is take as many rights away as possible