I am DONE taking Adderall, Ritalin and Vyvanse to stimulate my programming

I am DONE taking Adderall, Ritalin and Vyvanse to stimulate my programming.

I'm going to try putting natural dopamine boosters in capsules and trying a new one every day. Today: tumeric, since tumeric is native to my country (NOT a pajeet, tumeric does not come from India) and I am downing 2 ginger + ginseng capsules I have bought.

Let's see if they will boost my dopamine like amphetamines do.

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Fuck my ass. Have you tried that? Huh? You tried fucking my ass? Stimulate my prostate you dumb motherfucker.

sounds manipulative

Drugs are gay. Get some exercise.

Not a homofaggot. Although just now I watched a 4 second clip of two faggtos docking just because I did not underrstand what it means based on Ubran Dictionary's description.

This, why are we still using gay as a slur though? It’s actually really gay to bring up gayness all the time even if it is in a negative context. Our boomer parents didn’t even think about gays nearly as much ever since the “that’s gay” movement in the late 80s gayness has exploded as the gays live rent free in your heads now. I just wish we would shut the fuck up about faggots, they don’t matter.


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>le freudian bullshit
Stop being gay.

No retard, I am saying society is acting like a bunch of niggers and you just prove my point you dumb as bricks nigger

Repressed faggot right here

can you post your findings on your website or something
i’m not going to look for your threads every day/week/month

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Huh, turmeric is from India, chud
Disprove with peer reviewed papers or go away

Just use sativa weed, will help keep you focused but still creative (unlike adderall)

>Let's see if they will boost my dopamine like amphetamines do.
It won't. Best I've gotten was from taking mucuna pruriens extract which contains levodopa. It still doesn't make me high or super focused like amphetamines. The closest legal over the counter thing would be caffeine or guarana, optionally plus theanine which reduces the jittery aspect of it.

>NOT a pajeet
curryniggering intensifies...

Filthy drug addict

>taking stimulants and fucking your body ip just to be more productive
fucking why, americans are goddamn retarded
you really are the perfect cattle

>taking chems

try Wellbutrin

Have you tried Modafinil? It's a lesser drug classification than stimulants so my GP is more willing to prescribe it but he has other medications he wants me to fail out of first

I don't even drink coffee and I code just fine.
The most inefficient and useless people where I work constantly try to get me and drink coffee because supposedly it's so "necessary" for them to function.
You're just weakmind, man up bitch

Just work out ffs. Stop being fat/scrawny. Get some fucking testosterone in your system. Feel anxious? Can't focus? Depressed? Fucking work out, literally solves all of my problems.

You are literally unrionically actually cattle and we, the Americans, are unironically genuinely your ranchers.
Every facet of your life, your culture, your existence is predicated on and depends on America.
Everything you've ever done or will ever do has already been overshadowed by, sublimated by, and replaced by America.

Working out didn't boost your testosterone, your injections of cypionate did that you disingenuous fraud

I didn't start drinking coffee until I was 29. I genuinely enjoy it if it's been made well and from good quality beans. But definitely not a necessity like some people make it out to be.

post wrist

imagine taking drugs so you can go to work

>muh nature
go eat ricin, faggot

post injection sites; shit burns doesn't it, feel the sting of 412.6047 g/mol of shame

This is the mind of a scrawny, testosterone-less faggot. Healthy people work-out, user. They are not body-builders. They are normal-looking people. Healthy, happy, people. Unlike you.

Working out does not boost your testosterone

do you think everybody is on steroids?

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Everyone that claims their testosterone increased as a function of working out, yes

>we, the Americans

imagine LARPing as someone who's somehow representing USA, and not just another nameless worker drone, who's genuinely fucked if they ever actually need to see a doctor