This is why we can’t have nice things...

This is why we can’t have nice things. Why can’t we just have science/medicine et al as a rational tool of objective fact finding WITHOUT the churc- I mean Leftists coming to stop it due to it being “heresy”.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Political leaning is genetic, proving people with right wing beliefs are genetically inferior to liberals

Transphobic/homophobic men are more likely to be aroused by gay/trans porn

Direct correlation between lower intelligence and right wing ideologies

Conservatives have lower cognitive abilities

Trump supporters have higher mental rigidity, low empathy, unable to process new information

Conservatives less likely to be educated

Direct relation between Republicans controlling state legislature and higher infant mortality rates, proving they don’t care about saving children

Conservatives are less likely to distinguish fiction from reality, believe in disinformation

New study/book suggests right wing males are more likely to let black men cuck them

Lmao get fucked white trash

Built for CCP!

Attached: Comrade Chucky.png (640x640, 356.45K)

Attached: 1640216384600.png (1309x1255, 470.61K)

>my political opponents are genetically inferior

Attached: 26E72064-011C-4D59-BBBC-D836433E4D8E.png (236x306, 93.14K)

They are socialists because they never lived a day in a socialist country. Thus, they have this romanticized idea of what socialism is. Though, more than an idea it's a delusion, like pretending to be a woman.

We can't have nice things because of niggers and other third world shit you and your Jewish masters import.

Diversity primarily hurts the dominant ethnic group.

Ethnic diversity reduces happiness and quality of life.

More diverse neighborhoods have lower social cohesion.

People who live in diverse communities rather than homogenous ones are poorer and less educated.

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I've found that both people who never post sources, and people who dump dozens in a single post are generally just full of shit.
Not the worst troll I've seen though.

Forgot to add the obligatory "summarization of article that has nothing to do with the article". That helps as well.

This exact thread with these exact same replies was posted here hours ago. What is the purpose?

Educate people that the left is bringing us into a new dark ages. One worse than any that an Abrahamic religion took humanity into

This such bullshit - what culture on this earth deviates from this? Black people used to live like this until liberalism destroyed their family units. If you bring up some Stone Age tribe in the Amazon, fuck you go live with them. Every successful culture that made it into modern times has lived by these same values.

Was trying to watch football today. First time in a long time I've watched something with commercials. Noticed a trend. Blacks are represented like 2 to 1 over whites in commercials. When I started noticing, I couldn't help but keep noticing, in like every single fucking commercial.

I'm assuming you also haven't lived in a socialized country yourself

Can't read I guess. Sad

You know that pendulum shit that the redhats are always going on about? This is definitely one of those unforseen circumstances where they're actually right.
I'll give us ~200 years before the idea of whites in chains is enforced, or at least being tossed around.

Ok, cool, now you can shut the fuck up about le evil white people.

If you think there's even going to be another 10 years of this farcical nigger-shit you have another thing coming

It's not that I can't, more that I try not to read obvious propaganda. Suits you types though, I suppose.

Been doing it for over 10 years thus far, but wake me up when you lot decide to get off your asses and fix this shit. Can't wait to see how that goes.

So you're overtly proud of remaining ignorant and refusing to educate yourself? Quite the petulant child we have here today. I suppose you think you're the smart one in this thread too, don't you?

Nobody will wake you up, tubby

I'm proud that I don't believe everything I come across on the internet.
And big words don't make you any more smart, buddy.

Not from chains, no.