Claim has a citation

>claim has a citation
>click on citation
>nothing supporting the claim
When did Wikipedia die in your eyes?

Attached: wikipedia.png (1200x1095, 469.7K)

When did people stop going to the library to do their research?


when government mandated book burning and history also written by the victor

But thats always been the case

what articles are you reading that only "claim" things?

Neuroscience and psychology articles.
>replication rate of 14%

>claim has a citation
>click on citation
>404 error

>book burning
>written by the victor
do you reaaaally think wikipedia is any better? i find it hard to believe you're this retarded

>claim has a citation
>click on citation
>citation hidden behind paywall

>claim has 10 citations
>they all redirect to the same site

That's pretty good given the current replication crisis.

I imagine Sociology is incredibly low.

>claim has citation
>click on citation
>it's just a dark, out of focus picture of some user's ass
>claim is actually 100% true

>op confirmed to be faggot due to the gape of his anus

>OP makes a claim
>doesn't provide a citation
congrats, you are worse than wikipedia lol

When did you realize "dude trust me bro" is actually the best source?

People don't use OP thread as research

When troons starting editing 90% of the entries

so what else is OP's post supposed to be? entertainment?
cool, why are you having a discussion under an entertainment thread then?

rent free

>so what else is OP's post supposed to be? entertainment?
yes? this is Any Forums lol do you do research on boards dot 4channel dot org slash gee?

>Can see when an argument is unsupported in moments with the click of a button.
>This is considered bad


most of the times the reference is dead

Wiki itself has never been trustworthy source to begin with, so it never died as one. It still is very usable and convenient.