Would you do this?

Would you do this?

Attached: 1653942544281.png (805x658, 405.76K)

No im sure I can download it somewhere

What, make a retarded decision and make a video about it for attention? No, I have some dignity.

How much is he making off the 261K views?

>Write font with github
>Get font for free
Also this nigga looking worse and worse

Chumps in the comment section are agreeing with him

proggyclean is free
no better font

the video paid for the font so he got it for free

for attention whoring

she looks like shes trooning

No, there are SO MANY free fonts on the internet that there's no fucking reason to buy fonts

I would never slowly troon out and document it on youtube.

>Any Forums used to shill this proto-troon

who the fuck cares about that shit

>paying 35 dollars for gnu/comic sans

Attached: my.jpg (600x603, 39.92K)

It was probably just him

I also use paid fonts, I just don't pay for them.

I swear I've seen someone selling a font color too, and people were actually buying it.

I use Comic Code and love it. I'm also dyslexic, fwiw.

>Why I season my cutting board, NOT my steak
>Any Forums edition

Not libre, not GNU