How do i stop cooming? Should i just wear a chastity cage? I know fapping 3 times a day isnt good for me

How do i stop cooming? Should i just wear a chastity cage? I know fapping 3 times a day isnt good for me

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It's fine. Everyone's sex drive is different.

I know man but between that and smoking weed every day for months i feel like i've made myself dumber and i want to reverse it

Whacking it 3 times a day really isnt weird or much at all if youre in your early 20s and have high libido.

As long as it doesnt stop you from doing shit like going to school/work, jerk off as much as you want

I'm 18. I've got a high libido but i

Not op but when the fuck is it gonna stop. I'm 25 and I'm still constantly horny, I even get boners just from cuddling with my dogs

Anyway but i feel like jacking off gor the sake of jerking off is more of a habit rather than a sex drive thing like my brain just wamts the dophamine

You better not be a furry

boner != horny

I don't associate myself with that group of mentally fucked up cunts, im just a simple dog fucker

Get the fuck out of my coombrain recovery thread REEEEEEEE

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Im 67 and still spank the monkey twice a day, use it or loose it. Thats the only boomer advice I have for todays youth

Sorry didn't know you own the thread now lmao. Would you like some dog pussy for your cooming issue?

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i just found out my granpa is into this kinda stuff, ballbusting, humiliation fetish n shiet, that kinky basterd spend 900 a week on BDSM camshows
he's a pretty cool dude

She thicc

These ones are amazing. No ugly human dick in it, just a beautiful dog with a beautiful cookie

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I get liking the hentai of it but i couldnt do that to an actual dog, its gross. Dogs are for pats and hugs not for fucking

This is now a get thread, 2 trips in a row

You were always retarded

She thicc

It's not everyone's cup of tea. The relationships with my dogs always start out platonically but if they make any sexual advances I don't refuse them, so when my good boy kept humping my leg instead of shooing him away I gave him a hand.

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