Worked two years as a software developer without knowing what a stack or a heap is. Just discovered what these are today

Worked two years as a software developer without knowing what a stack or a heap is. Just discovered what these are today

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making wordpress websites is not making software.


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not him but you can use a lot of interpreted languages without knowing these things

kek no i am tasked with writing backend services for a +100 employee company.

incompetent developers
many many many such cases

maybe i'm incompetent but my employers are satisfied by my work and my ignorance of some concepts comes from the fact that i am self taught. I had no use in learning what a stack or a heap is so i was never exposed to content that explained these concepts to me.

If you weren't writing in a language that requires you to manage memory, it doesn't fucking matter.

Of course i wasn't using a language requiring manual memory management dude, wtf. But still/

>maybe i'm incompetent
there is no maybe
the fact that you're determining competence based on how satisfied an employer is emphasizes this fact

It doesn't matter then.

>self taught
>got a tech job
Teach me your ways senpai

i sed to program stacks
for comms
for coporate networks
i was expert at it

>my ignorance of some concepts comes from the fact that i am self taught

Is this an inverse shill thread where some clueless idiot with a degree tries to claim that self-taught people are incompetent? In my experience it is almost always the self-taught people who are knowledgeable while the educated/credentialed ones don't know much about anything.

You think it is possible to have a comfy life/job by being self taught and never running after degrees?

70% of my uni course is theory. I literally am majoring in software development and I am fucking doing far more math than any development. I graduate in a year and I only Know python.

but muh heckin CS DSA trivia!!! :''(
muh linked lists!!! muh leetcode!!!
fuck these fags

Bonus fact: You can convert a stack into a heap by pushing it too hard.

Mind giving us the name so that the fellow poojeets can do some heap exploitation

my stack is 2 gb

Are you female or darker in complexion by chance?