Why didn't 3D printers take off and become a household device like other tech?

Why didn't 3D printers take off and become a household device like other tech?

Attached: 3dprinter.jpg (1600x1600, 290.14K)

it makes plastic shit

What would a typical household do with it?
Getting into it is becoming easier every day, what about it didn't take off?
That's like saying soldering irons didn't take off because only enthusiasts get them and the average household doesn't have one.

People are too lazy and stupid to figure out how to use them and troubleshoot them when they don't work perfectly.

3D printer are very useful for engineers and makers, but without CAD skills you won't get as much value out of it compared to someone that can design models him/herself. Also, many people are simply not willing to learn how to use a printer and get shit results.
Having a 3D printer while learning a CAD tool is very fun as you get to hold a self made model in your hands after a couple hours of waiting for the print to finish.

I'd pay to use one in someone's garage or something with some guidance but I don't have the time to spend learning to use it and figure out all the software and how to make models, and I used my last bit of hobby space on a reloading bench so I can make my own ammo.

too much money

And what does an average person would do it with it?
If I wanted to have something 3D printed I'd just pay someone else to get it done, just like I'm doing with normal printing. There is no point in buying one if I'll only use it like twice per year at most.

Because its not household shit, its a specialised tool. Same reason you don't see CNC machines or laser cutters in everyone's house. Only people who need them use them

They are way too fiddly and unreliable for general end users. And take bloody ages to print anything useful.
Like I cringe when I see videos like oh it's so useful I printed this wrench to ckange a gas line on my oven or something, bitch in the 11 hours it took to print that you could have walked to the store and bought one and be done

$1k+ ones are better but still a bit fiddley

Most of the people capable of using them are only interested in printing soiwars babby yeed idols

>very little daily use value
>toxic fumes
I can go to my local library if I need to 3D print something.

Because it sucks lol
I wanted to buy one a while ago and did some basic research regarding it, its all chinkshit nonsense

Too easy to print something that is sold in stores x10 the price. From cups to guns.
Corporate kikes will never allow this.

Why would anyone need a computer in their home?

>>If I wanted to have something 3D printed I'd just pay someone else to get it done
are there services like this? Where someone has a 3d printer and you can pay them some nominal fee, send a file, and get mailed back the resultant object?


3d printers arent real

Attached: dog costume.jpg (659x543, 68.18K)

I'm not a big 3D modeler or CAD or whatever the fuck, but I can see the value for one if you're somewhat handy. There are enough free or cheap designs online for all sorts of shit you can use, or edit yourself that it could be useful for some handyman/maker tasks. However I'm waiting for a 3D printer that
A) is FOSS and doesn't rely upon proprietary formats, components or other bullshit from a single company. Also Linux friendly, doesn't require using some Win only shitty application to use it etc.
B) Is capable of using high quality materials, safely. I'd rather not have ball-shrinking plasticizer and cheap chinkshit as the only materials you can print while it outgasses everywhere. Needs to be something durable enough as well.
3) is reasonably priced for the above

I've not looked for awhile but last I checked there wasn't anything that adhered to all three

I can't see the evil smile anymore. What's wrong with me bros?

>it can make anything!
>that is less than 8”x8”x8”
>and won’t have food/drink in it
>and will break pretty easily
>and is plastic
>and has weird lines on it
>and will melt if heated
>and you need to find or make a model