Windows would probably be dead if it weren't for these faggots...

Windows would probably be dead if it weren't for these faggots. I fucking hate Windows so much but I rely on After Effects and Illustrator. I could cope with Inkscape but there's simply no viable alternative for After Effects, especially with all the plugins and don't start telling me to use Macs. I don't suck dicks.
Is Microshit paying these faggots for not releasing Linux versions or are they just huge faggots?

Attached: 1653993607321.png (224x225, 5.73K)

Just use ffmpeg u fucking retard. There - solved ur problem in one sentence. Nice job idiot. Stop wasting people's time with ur dumb shit.

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Nice malware

Relatable, also I'm a FL studio junkie


nope, but I know it's a meme, but it's a comfy meme. I will always be stuck to the microcuck botnet

>but there's simply no viable alternative for After Effects
I haven't tried it myself yet, but Da Vinci Resolve seems to be trying to be a substitute for After Effects
Yeah, if you really depend on those and can't find alternatives, it sucks.

>Is Microshit paying these faggots for not releasing Linux versions or are they just huge faggots?
Probably door 2. Most likely they consider Linux to not have enough users to make it worth the "investment" of porting their stuff over.

>Windows would probably be dead if it weren't for these faggots.
As if. Pretty much everyone has a use for Office but Adobe is a niche and designers are pretty much brainwashed to use Macs either way.

>I rely on After Effects
do you need it for a job?

At least there's Bitwig on Linux but then again you won't have all the VST effects.
>Pretty much everyone has a use for Office
I use LibreOffice even on Windows.
Yes, on a daily basis.

I can list way more Windows exclusive software than that which keeps me chained to it

Most people that use windows don't use many adobe products.
You're silly

>Pretty much everyone
Yup, the same....

I just don't like commies.

It's called Darktable.

not for winshits but for FL
ableton > 0 > garage band > FL

>alternative to After Effects
You're truly retarded.

This is how you know that Linux users have never done anything more creatively than drawing dicks in the school table as toddlers. The have no idea how Linux will never be a thing in creative fields because the only ahit they got are 3d model softwares and fusion. As soon you need plug-ins or a software to add some extra stuff you either switch to mac/windows to be able to do it well or end up with unfinished projects/garbage because you stuck with Linux.

Them and Autodesk are genuinely fucking evil


Motion grapgic nigger Adobe cuck here

Resolve fusion is better than AE for bigger projects, faster, cleaner and more structural workflow. AE is for more quick and dirty projects, indie shit and hobbies etc. You can use fusion for it, but it's like you are taking out industrial equipment for home fixing.

The only reason AE is still around is because you can get away with AE in bigger projects too, but that's a nightmare on late stage production, but you don't "learn" that until you get there, and the only way to get there is most likely you learning AE in and out, and then you are stuck with it.

Fuck I hate it! The only companies who can plan, have knowledge and budget for such a weight to remove Adobe stuff are big movie companies. Unless you are working for a Hollywood kike or one that is contracted by one, you are stuck with Adobe After effects logisticly.

Post over, I'm now going back to create another nigger ad (not a meme...) with zoomer products you will never buy.

What about Cavalry and Fable?