Why do people use Linux if they are absolutely unable to help themselves and search for solutions?

Why do people use Linux if they are absolutely unable to help themselves and search for solutions?
It's not an OS for people who can't find their own help and have to be spoon-fed constantly.

There's a thread on about retrogaming under Linux and people keep bitching and asking the simplest things that would easily be found in seconds of Googling.

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it's like people dont even know what Google is anymore

To be fair, googling anything is pretty hard these days because its fucking awful

Not really. If you install something user friendly like Ubuntu or Mint and if you unlearn some of the bad habits you learnt from windows then you are pretty settled.
>drivers are in the kernel and you don't have to do anything to install them
>printers and other devices works in a plug and play fashion (network printers are automatically discovered)
>all the software you want to install is either in the (graphical) package manager or it's just not supposed to be installed
As a normie, what else do you need? Games? Just think of linux as a macbook, you don't play games on your mac. The problem is that people are retarded and install distro they don't know about just because they want to look like hackers or something. The LTT linux gaming challenge is a perfect example of this.



Google doesn't work anymore

zoomers don't know about files or search engines.

It's just a flex for smart retarded people

>smart retarded

>uses command line
>doesn't get pussy
Yes. Smart retarded people

>doesnt know how to make proper search queries
>google is le bad!


>uses terminal
>ejaculates in vagina

But seldom seen in the wild

It's probably the most common type of Linux "user"
Most Linux users are "normies" working in tech

>Games? Just think of linux as a macbook, you don't play games on your mac.
All of my games work on linux so even that isnt a valid point anymore

there are some like tarkov that don't but in general i agree

Indeed, but people complain when games don't work on linux while they never mention they don't work on mac either.

There's plenty that don't, but a lot do.

and almost every single one of those game that doesnt work on linux is some faggy multiplayer game for imbeciles

Jewgle is genuinely fucked, if you don't use an alt search engine you don't find jack shit.

I solve everything I can myself but sometimes problems are so specific web search results are absolutely useless and most often not even related to the issue
so I have to ask either on forums, 4chin or, god forbid, r*ddit