It just werks

It just werks

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come to nigeria

I casertani sono su un altro livello

madonna puttana

oh my god
how do you spawn a shell once you're inside? i'm lovin it

I won't go to any country named after its target demographic.
nigeria - niggers
germany - germs
pakistan - pakis

liberia - libertarians
chad - chads (might go there)

america - burgers
india - poos
turk - roaches
china - insectoids

OP è falso, e frocio

These aren't named after them. India, not poodia.

Pooja is an indian name though

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Name of the country, you illiterate nigerian.
It's called China, not insectoidina. It doesn't work. How do you not get it?

Ohhh I get it
Like I was Hungary, but then I ate out your mom

dov'è sto posto?

why doesny hungary just invadw turkey

Sei un negro

ucciditi frocio

mfw esiste davvero
a peschiera del garda

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random picture of italy
checks out