Do you guys ever donate to FOSS projects?

Do you guys ever donate to FOSS projects?

Attached: feel.png (660x786, 585.22K)

that defeats the purpose of FOSS also meme coins are retarded

Yes. But I do not donate money to distro maintainers who do absolutely nothing besides provide a Calamares installer for Arch and can't even accomplish basic shit like keeping their website certificate up to date.

Free as in freedom not free beer

bug reports and patches, yes
money, no

I donated $5 to Transmission last year

>donating $5000 to Manjaro
Why not donate to something that actually contributes to FOSS?

Manjaro makes Arch usable, it's the best distro out there right now.

>Manjaro makes Arch usable, it's the best distro out there right now.
It's literally just arch with calamares and a shitty AUR utility.

can you donate $500 to me ?

No, why would I? Corporations do it for tax purposes. And individual has no reason to do it.

manjaro is just a broken version of arch


>white text on a black background scares me

wtf, donating to a distro that repackages arch with some shit GUI themes and delayed repositories...

You will never be a real mission

only one I ever donated to was Linux Mint because that's the only distro that actually does shit and is not backed by le big bad corpo

Attached: mint_butt_upscaled_4x_new_logo_v2.jpg (5120x2880, 3.76M)



Imagine donating to a Brazilian 2005 super hacker edition of arch that breaks when using the AUR. You should be ashamed of yourself for contributing to its existence. Hopefully it's not you who did that and you just took some screenshot from reddit or something to piss people off.

I wish I could but I'm neet. Wish I could donate to Artix, runit, openrc, Devuan and maybe dinit and KDE. If I could donate I would donate to them.