What's with all the hate?

Everyone complains that it's slow.... exactly how slow is it? Slow in what sense? How much time are you even trying to save?

As a newbie, could you explain exactly why you guys don't fuck with the Pype?

Attached: index.jpg (274x184, 5.65K)

the thing I hate most about it is indentation, absolutely fucking disgusting abyssmal shit.

Any language without curly braces and semicolons has no place in a programmer's arsenal.

Who cares if it is slow, you're not supposed to use a scripting language where speed matters. There are lots of cases where speed doesn't matter at all. Think about a script that automatically backs up your harddrive every hour for example. Who cares if it runs in 0.001s or 0.01s? Even if it takes 5 whole seconds, who the fuck cares?
Only people new to programming are so obsessed with everything running fast. There are many cases where performance doesn't matter at all.

White space indentation, everything else is just excuses.

Let them seethe. Master it, get a job in data science and make 6 figures pa easy

That's what I was thinking... seemed like zoomer jargon...

So you're FOR Python?

no, thanks.

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for a sec I thought you called me master and I felt flattered for a sec .3.

think, user.

...catpcha "JSAV" as in 'savage' ... i'll take it

>seemed like zoomer jargon
you absolutely sounded like a zoomer yourself though

People who don't program hate things that work.

>Any language without curly braces and semicolons has no place in a programmer's arsenal.

You will be soon enough, you can make it if you try :-)

>So you're FOR Python?
yes/no, depends on what you are doing.
Programming languages are tools, different tools have different purposes. There is no single programming language that is great for everything. Imagine a car mechanic who would only use one tool and be all smug about it and saying all other tools are trash, that would be retarded right? Same goes for programming.
Only a retard would use the same language for writing a script, a website, a kernel, etc.

It's good enough for Instagram. Any Forumstards only write fizzbuzz.

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Today was my first day trying Python, used it for Blender scripting.

What is white space indentation, and why is that a bad thing?

I did notice when using python that the parent/child portions HAD to line up in order to run... is that what you are talking about?

You're a retard. Just because when instagram was starting it used Django, absolutely does not mean it still uses it. It's rather very unlikely.
Does not necessarily mean it's bad for smaller scale apps.

idk you would have to ask this user... he's got all the answers.

what's top 3 in your toolbelt? Go.

>Think about a script that automatically backs up your harddrive every hour for example. Who cares if it runs in 0.001s or 0.01s?
Extremely midwit example.
1. Backing up an entire drive can easily take half an hour, mainly bottlenecked by IO and compression speed.
2. Python is not the tool to use for this, write a bash script.
Make your examples valid for real world usage. Don't just give examples arbitrarily.

Wrong, you fell for the meme. Python can get quite fast if you know what you are doing. Well written Python code is faster than well written Java, sometimes their speed is not even close.

They still use it. But even if they weren't, the fact that they became Facebook's rival with Django illustrates that gtards are just kids who would rather not develop anything while worrying about performance and trying to use le big boy languages than actually focus on making shit.

>They still use it
>gtards are just kids who would rather not develop anything while worrying about performance and trying to use le big boy languages than actually focus on making shit
yeah, it seems that way

Can you prove it?

>Wrong, you fell for the meme
Fell for the meme? I'm new, I'm practically TRIPPING like when Jay-z met Beyonce

Well written Python code is much slower than Java.
The trick is that good Python programmers are Cniles in disguise.

While I mostly agree, suggesting that you shouldn’t know lisp and asm is pretty retarded

Python is cool if you think of it as a frontend to C that allows to quickly glue together chunks of fast code to prototype it.

The main problem is that a lot of complete morons in the industry just roll out their somewhat working-ish prototype into production and brand it a finished product.

I used to work for a drone detection company that would run complex machine learning algorithms in fucking python on their embedded, battery-powered devices because it just worked. It required to pull in hundred of Python modules, Python would take 40-50 seconds to load everything up and it would gradually eat up all the memory because of leaks and infinitely growing lists and trigger reboots every 5-6 hours.

Python has no place in production. Period. It's a prototyping tool.

Python has C do a lot of the heavy lifting in a lot of popular libraries, so at that point, who even cares?

I'd say python for scripting, JS for web and C for low level stuff that actually needs to be fast (not your hello world or fizzbuzz).