Ayyy this nigger for real or what????

Ayyy this nigger for real or what????

Attached: a yooo.png (1285x410, 57.61K)

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Yes. Also the idea that anyone with good intentions can or will audit Linux is a joke. Almost all of the work on it is done by corporations who have the worst intentions in mind and the project is so big only they have the manpower to properly audit it

>binary blobs
Debian GNU/Linux does not have this problem.

How will Linuxtards ever recover from this???

He's a narcissistic autist.
Anyone can compile linux from source... No binary blobs from Linus are needed.

Respond and ask him what the filename of said blob is on disk so he can dodge the question.

>a binary blob from Linus Torvalds built into EVERY release that ONLY he has the source code for
Linusbros...? Did we get too cocky?

>a binary blob from Linus Torvalds built into EVERY release that ONLY he has the source code for
Isn't this technically true of all GPG-signed software?
You can't audit a foss dev's private key

no, signing a tarball doesn't stop you from access the contents, all it does is prevent you from modifying the contents and passing it off as original
it's why it's called signing and not encryption

Yeah, but there's still a resource you don't have access to that was used to create the tarball

no, only the signature can't be created by anybody else, it's a separate file and doesn't change the tarball file at all
you could create the tarball yourself, provided you use the same files you could generate the exact same file, which will also pass the signature verification

There is plenty of resources you don't have access to e.g. the rice config files of a contributor.

However if this is just about encrypting an archive, then no blob is in the archive.

LFS is the premiere GNU+Linux experience.

>a binary blob built into every release that only he has the source code for
This is obviously a very jewy way to refer to the detached gpg signature.

yeah that's disinformation

He's being for real, but he's also retarded, so what he's saying is objectively incorrect.


>doesnt work at microsoft anymore
>still cucked for bill gates
this must be the power of autism

Any Forums is going to correct him on that and make him apologize, right?

link to comment youtube.com/watch?v=PqWjq2SdzpI&lc=UgwFYyE8lw0hQzBQj154AaABAg

even if it was true and there was a binary blob of actual code, his point is still retarded, because it's one closed source file vs thousands of closed source files that make up the entire OS. how the fuck is he this stupid?

Holy shit, the comments are shredding him lol.

It reminds me of those kids that would mindlessly repeat fake video game rumors on the playground getting shredded by the one kid with a modem and a printer.


He probably owns Microsoft stock.