Why do you Any Forumsuys buy like 4 24 inch monitors and have them vertical and shit when you could just get 2 47 inch...

Why do you Any Forumsuys buy like 4 24 inch monitors and have them vertical and shit when you could just get 2 47 inch 4k TV's instead?

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no money

because nobody makes 47 inch 4:3 screens

Some of these fags have really nice computers though, it makes no sense to me

>muh aspect ratio
So, autism?

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I want a monitor, not any of that "smart" bullshit you get with TVs. Also I intend to sit close to them, 47" is way too large. For that amount of real estate I decisively want multiple screens.

How close are you getting to your monitors though? 47 inches isn't that big, for me ive never had an issue being about 3 feet away from them
also stop being a schizo about smart TVs

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My monitors are closer to me than that, and not wanting spyware in your screens is not at all being a schizo.

Separation of real estate. Each monitor is it's own little space.

All my monitors are 4k. Why would I want half the pixel density?

TVs have shit panel technology 9/10 times as well as retarded firmware that fills them with botnet bullshit. im not going to add in several ms of latency, ghosting, halos and a 15 second boot time + android smart tv just to get rid of a 1mm bezel.

also no curved TVs, and once you go over 30" it becomes increasingly annoying to use a flat panel at traditional monitor distances.

i have 1200x800 monitor
someone pls kill me

So, autism?
This is the only moderately reasonable answer itt

TVs are far cheaper than monitors

That's not bad user seriously don't worry about it 1080p is perfectly serviceable

How is preferring 4k monitors over 4k TVs at desk-distance autism?

it isn't 1080p
sometimes it feels bad because I have to constantly switch between monitors or tabs
because my code doesn't fit into the screen
i usually wrap it at 80/100 cols

but still.. if you're working with 4+ files it's a fucking pain
i'm making it though
I write down shit on paper before jumping to the keyboard also for this reason

You could possibly dumpster dive around the back of a Best Buy or ask a hospital/college if they're trying to get rid of old equipment. You could also try Craigslist.

based advice
I actually didn't do that yet because I'm lazy lmao

That sucks man, where do you live? You got a discord? I'm feeling generous

I live in Italy xD
no man really I don't need money, thank you lol
I appreciate it though

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Np bro

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Because finding TVs that work well as monitors is a chore. They generally have: higher input latency, bad chroma compression, bad auto-shutoff mechanics, etc.

Why does this matter? Latency hasn't been an issue in like #0 years and all the other stuff you mentioned is dumb
Because sitting 3ft away from a 47 inch screen is objectively easier to read than sitting 3 fat away from a small monitor?

Objectively easier?
Oh, okay. You're baiting and I bit. Carry on.

>TVs have shit panel technology
Whaaat, are your retarded? TV's are one of the only two type of display technologies that get enormous upgrades. For fucks sake, TV's even get the coating right and keep it glossy/semi-glossy for most of them. Whilst monitors, on the other hand, are almost always matte'd. So instead of getting a good clear picture, like what you would see on an average laptop, you would get a hazy god awful view. Also, who cares about whatever botnet they include inside of these displays. You don't have to connect them to the internet. So why does it matter. Ya I will say that the UI can be rather slow at times. But this also depends on the TV itself. My LG C1 doesn't have the problems you are describing about.

>also no curved TVs
Who cares

> and once you go over 30" it becomes increasingly annoying to use a flat panel at traditional monitor distances.
You could always just disable scaling and set a fixed resolution on the TV. That's what I do with mine right now.