Australia is the worst country to buy a laptop in

Change my mind.

Attached: Shit.png (1891x819, 492.19K)

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>Australia is the worst country
that's right



I know.

Attached: download (2).png (107x128, 3.14K)

first post, best post as always

That's a very decent price. What the fuck are you talking about

Sadly this is true

Attached: 1636090524896.jpg (918x448, 167.64K)

maybe your grandpappy shouldn't have been a violent criminal

> loses election
> their favoruite right wing pedophile gets absolutely destroyed
> australia=bad
the absolute state of right wing child molesters. my sides.


No one told you to live in a desert island near east Asia


The laptop markey is fucked everywhere, to the point that I can only recommend buying used at this point.

Sorry mate on the grog, picture attached

Attached: Screenshot_20220529-190329.png (1080x1473, 330.72K)

for a laptop i'm surprised they're not scalping for more
$400 less and you get a desktop with a 3070

fpbp, based, /thread, etc.
t. ausfag

>absolutely destroyed
You don't even have a majority yet.
Go back to rimming Dicktaster Dan.

we do now cunt
watching that fuckwit morrison and the rest of the liberals get btfo was glorious

>gayming laptop
Sounds like a (You) problem

I lived there for 3 years in a contractor gig. America is heaps worse but you cunts are equally fucked too.

I thought aussies were paid well enough to counteract the funny money effect of their currency.

this except russia exists

I absolutely hate this timeline where $2000 AUD for an RTX3060 laptop is considered acceptable.

its also the worst country to buy speakers in