Today I bought a Pixel and installed GrapheneOS

Today I bought a Pixel and installed GrapheneOS.

It's for my mom :3

Attached: 1645258782546.jpg (804x900, 97K)

Based. I have been using it since january and I feel no need to go back to iOS

i would've taken the graphene pill if pixels had removable batteries. my nokia brick serves me well enough. good job though.

an old friend of mine shilled it to me
bought a pixel and installed it to remember him by
it's serving me well so far so I do feel comforted
thanks buddy I miss u

good job user, make a thread once in a while to let us who stil haven't made the switch know how it goes

what happened to him?

GrapheneOS with sandboxed Google play is practically the same as the default android that comes with the phone, in terms of usability for normies. there is almost no use case that warrants running stock is on a pixel over GrapheneOS.

>only works on Google hardware
>dev blog shills only Chromium browsers
GrapheneOS is controlled opposition

bumping based thread

GrapheneOS vs CalyxOS
which one is better and why?
As far as I can tell both are great and leagues better than iOS or God forbid Samsung, but I'm not sure if either is better or worse


>based dev doing hard work
average commie community project


was it difficilt. can u reccomend any resources/guides that helped u?

google voice dictation doesn't work on graphene. That's a pretty big deal for a lot of people whether or not you use it


Your mom be like:
>Why does nothing work on this phone, user?

died of migraines.

I've seen a pic of the girl on the right tonguing an anus.

oh shit, i'm sorry
did you meet him irl?

this If anything doesn't work(the way she wants) - you are both the tech support, and the one to blame.
Stupid move.