Do you play any terminal games or use any useless terminal software that exists only for entertainment?

do you play any terminal games or use any useless terminal software that exists only for entertainment?

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nakadashi, amirite?

of course, nethack

closest thing I can think of would be MUD games or maybe dwarf fortress, but I don't actually run either of them in the CLI on my terminal

>terminal games
do dwarf fortress and cdda count?
>useless terminal software
fortune | cowsay | lolcat

does OverTheWire Bandit count?

what's that?

Not OP but its a CTF game where you have to crawl through different servers/levels to unlock the next level. All through terminal

sounds cool i will check it out.

Does anyone know of a turn based RPG on a cli? I think that'd be really fun. It's got to exist somewhere. It sounds like every nerdy thing mashed together.

No, and I actively seek to remove as much bloat as possible.

text parser cyoa games

so your computer is just a bare metal lisp editor?

NetHack, ADOM, Omega, Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup, Angband, ULarn, etc... There's an entire genre of games like this. They are called "roguelikes". You could also play Rogue in the terminal, but it's a shit game.

Also, I'm not talking about the 1989 tank programming game for DOS. I'm referring to the 1987 open world roguelike.

cataclysm dda

>not using tintin++

fortune | cowsay

dunnet is the only thing i use emacs for

cmatrix, nethack(need to play more)

no fun makes for a dull boy

>nethack(need to play more)
As someone who has beaten NetHack, I think it is one of those games that is a lot of fun when you don't really know what you are doing yet, but it's actually kind of shit once you do. The mid and late game are more tedious than anything, unless you go for speedrun strats (which are riskier)