What exactly is the problem with creating desktop applications based on Chromium?

What exactly is the problem with creating desktop applications based on Chromium?

Attached: electronjs.jpg (400x400, 14.16K)

Chromium's optimized for the browser use case where idiots want to open 10,000 tabs and be able to go back to a tab that hasn't been opened in 2 months and have it load despite the fact that they only have 8GB of RAM. As such its memory management is focused on various levels of putting resources which haven't been used for a long time into deep paged memory or even unloading it completely; only storing enough to reconstruct it. This makes it pretty shitty for tools which have a fairly bounded memory profile and need to be responsive no matter how long it's been since you've clicked on feature XYZ.

The amount of RAM it consumes is excessive to say the least and the convenience it used to provide is no more an excuse now that Flutter Desktop (which is more intuitive and convenient to build UIs than web technologies) exists.

star of david logo

Because of two critical design decisions made: one by the chrome developers with their obsession for sandbox on everything and every aspect of the page context (100mb baseline for every page * 12-50 background pages for further sandboxing in any given electron program), and the other by the electron developers who bundled the entirety of chrome into every fucking installer instead of having a universal runtime like java, something you absolutely have to do if your toolkit is as bloated as electron is.

based question answering/g/had

what's wrong with the star of david

non native look
high memory usage
otherwise its much much easier than gtk or qt. Hell webaudio only btfos gtk or qt.

Nothing inherently, if it's to replace what would be a web app electron is more secure since you're not downloading the code each time you run it.

>non native look
You don't want your app to have the default system look and that is true both for mobile and desktop. The only reason why some apps have a native look is because it's more convenient. You want your app to have a custom design system.

it's super gay

>Bloated software
>High memory usage
>High CPU usage for some activities like Voice Calls and screen sharing
>Shit performance
>Almost as insecure as a web browser
Electron is shit, please create your apps with C\C++\Rust\Flutter (even python would be better than this garbage)

>Nothing inherently, if it's to replace what would be a web app electron
My brain is rotting right now and i have a severe urge to blind myself at the sight of that post. WHAT? Installing a program that can execute code on your system and use telemetry is more SECURE than accessing a page from a sandboxed environment? REALLY? You deserve to get a lifetime computer ban for that.

It's piss easy to write desktop apps in Flutter and if you make them responsive from the start and use conditional statements for OS specific API calls, you can use the same app you're building for desktop and run it on an IOS or Android phone. You get no benefit by using Electron over Flutter.

C/SDL > electron > C++/QT > GTK >>>>>>> flutter. I've never seen rust in anything but gaymes.
Flutter is everything you mentioned but 10x worse in every metric.

All those faggots calling it slow and shitty, you do realize that the arguably best featureset/speed compromise editor is written in it?

Attached: Visual_Studio_Code_1.35_icon.svg.png (2048x2048, 127.5K)

>Flutter is everything you mentioned but 10x worse in every metric.
Flutter is easier to use than anything mentioned and the only one that is really cross platform among them all. It has the best ecosystem and the greatest community of them all. Flutter Desktop is only a few weeks old and i am ready to bet anything that it will become a standard in a few years. Remember this post and keep my words in mind. Don't forget them. Because i won't be there to remind you that "i told you so" and that is my greatest regret.

if you want your program to have a web UI then just include a local web server and have it open a browser tab. it's more flexible, and only uses resources your user was already dedicating to a browser.

But, that's not emacs?

What chemicals did they put in the water for zoomers to find this shit fast? Just because it isn't glaringly second-achingly slow like most electron apps does not make this competitive with other text editors in its class. If anything, VS Code shows the limitations of the Electron platform because no matter how much money Microsoft pumps into it, it will never be anything more than "not super responsive, but not as noticeably slow as your average AJAX."

Visual Studio Code is the exception and rightfully so. VSCode uses a customized version of Electron. It also uses a lot of C++ code. And no, it does not use React and your Node.js libraries. It's raw JS.

An example of a realistic Electron app would be Slack or Spotify. And even the slow laggy desktop apps that Spotify and Slack are, are built with raw JS and no React.

>accessing a page you have no control over and likely won't audit before it runs is more secure than installing a signed package once
This place is peak Dunning Krueger

Flutter's cross platform promise is a sham for many years and its history is full of employers getting scammed out an actual functional app that doesn't run at 20fps. But I do not doubt the inexplicable obsession soi devs have with google's products so I know flutter will take off for all the wrong reasons, and it will be a traninwreck to be swept under the rug in less than a decade's time like mongodb.

VSCode is faster than any Jetbrans IDE or Visual Studio. It's also faster than other Electron based solutions like Atom. The only relevant things that are faster are Vim, Emacs and SublimeText.

It's still faster and leaner than the hyperbloated boomer IDEs they were using before.

From a development stand point: dogshit build system. I hated using it, and the only reason I did was because I have no frontend experience at all. Would not recommend, write a CLI instead (or hand the UI work off to someone who actually likes doing that).

Do you understand how a sandbox environment works? Yes. Accessing a webpage that is limited by it's sandbox and can't communicate directly with your system is more secure than installing and granting access to your machine to a program written by some dude and letting him execute code on your desktop. It will always be mr i audit every app that i install and reverse engineer in a VM before using it.
Thinking that accessing a URL from Firefox or Chrome is more risky than installing the executable of some dude is peak retardation.