These are the people who design your web browser

Attached: 1636902940982.png (600x525, 244.69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>my web browser
I use Microsoft Edge

Attached: IMG_1425.jpg (3646x2573, 3M)

Yes, women masturbate. I'm sorry if that's news to you.

>Tfw I use Firefox

How long before I become a tranny?

Being gay is based as long as there are no trannies (like in all FOSS projects)

>These are the people who design your web browser
Nope, Privacy Not Included is an initiative of the Mozilla foundation, not corporation. Everyone employed to work on Firefox is under the umbrella of MoCo, most of the trannies are in MoFo and cannot effect firefox due to US tax code reasons

way to miss the point, retard

Cool. They think privacy is important.

you been brainwashed. there are no girls on the internet. never were. you got fooled by all the trannies

What's the problem? Dildos shouldn't violate your privacy either. Valid concern.

>Being gay is based
It's really not, you are repulsive.

Literally EVERY major tech company is overwhelmingly pro-LGBT. Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, Oracle, IBM, RedHat, SUSE, Canonical, Mozilla, it doesn't matter.

See, you're seething. That's proof that being gay is based.

I use Braveā„¢

Attached: Brave_developer.png (460x460, 242.11K)

Enjoy the monkey pox

It's called being a human being you dumb faggot. Homosexuality SHOULD piss you off, it's fucking disgusting and inhuman.

>you must use a browser made by a conglomerate

Your not a woman.

Based homosexual user.

>disgusting faggots itt
You will never be a woman

That indie browser is probably maintained by a pro-LGBT dev too.

Attached: rcanyz8rtb731.png (1080x1032, 1.2M)