Get hired by company

>get hired by company
>start date is at the end of the month
>already gave my two weeks notice to my past employer
>they are not happy and they say I spit on the hand that feeds me (this is the second time I leave this company)
>new company is acquired by another one
>they say parent company decided to freeze hiring
>they said this to me 1 day before starting the job
Now I'm sitting lonely at home feeling like a traitor and an unemployed person.

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stealing funny iguana pic

I'll take shit that never happened for 800 Alex.
If you're being hired, they can't stop it legally, now fuck off back to your mother's basement, troll.

>If you're being hired, they can't stop it legally
What the fuck country are you in where this is true?

>new company is acquired by another one
>they say parent company decided to freeze hiring
A hiring freeze doesn't usually involve early termination of people who were already hired.

kek ain't no such thing as being loyal to a company.
the day they don't want you anymore they'll not gonna care about loyalty.

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You are already hired, how can they freeze your job?

I was hired but I don't start until 1st

That's a fat fucking lie lmfao

>If you're being hired, they can't stop it legally
the fuck are you talking about, if he doesn't have a signed contract he's fair game

this is why you only hand in your notice once you actually have something on paper

Then he's a retard for quitting his job before signing a contract.

A contract is a contract. Sue them.


>>already gave my two weeks notice to my past employer
that was your error
you shouldn't quit your previous employment unless it's bad, otherwise you should be working it remotely alongside your next employment so that you can build your wealth, job security, and skillset in tandem
this is the 2000's and there's so much volatility (as you stated) that to be loyal or to trust in any one company is retarded, and you're a fool for it
if you want to be a wagie, you need to be the wagie of wagies and juggle as many jobs as you can without getting caught; you'll be on the fast track to retirement

Unless you can work 1 hour a day at the other job its not worth it. Id rather have freetime than more money.

>Unless you can work 1 hour a day at the other job
well you can, but the better thing to do is to clock in and out at the same time, not to work 8+ hours
you jump between jobs doing a bit here and there, always making suru to be as mediocre as possible to avoid standing out or setting unrealistic expectations, and you do that for as long as you can for as many employers as you can, and you can easily be cashing in 2x or more paychecks each month, effectively halving your working life from a rough 50 to 25, and with more jobs you can get it down even further

> this is the 2000s

based time traveler

1900's were great for workers, they made decent wages and had work that would last them decades
2000's saw those kinds of jobs disappear and now work is as fleeting as 2-3 years or else your pay stalls and you fall behind the market
on top of that, we've had around 7 economic crashes since the turn of the millennium with 08 being the worst, and depending on where you live your nation has been at war for 20 years despite it not having been declared and ultimately feel in defeat, and on top of that people are moving around the planet more so there is no longer any security or assurances that are worth a damn
you can only secure yourself, and you can do that by being anything but loyal

That is not allowed by the contract.

That gecko don't give a fuck.
Look at the little bugger.