Wayland chad

>wayland chad
>pipewire enjoyer
>sayakyou connousseur
Is he, dare I say, the king of Any Forums?

Attached: king.jpg (2000x1080, 248.99K)

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>>wayland chad
>Is he, dare I say, the king of Any Forums?

I can't stand his voice


Last video I saw where he spoke about Wayland he said it was a long ways off from being ready to replace X. When did he switch?

i joined his supertuxkart stream once. it was pretty comfy

Who's this boy? I need more Linux streamers since Luke Smith went retarded and that other nigger is boring.

does his mom cut his hair?

Kyouko is better.

Attached: 44fd899a05234ed27697d0c04d1f185e.jpg (1450x2048, 373.77K)

>>wayland chad
>uses xorg
wayland trannies on suicide watch

He's Australian user. You don't have to make his feel any worse

It's Br*die. He makes low effort videos about useless CLI tools unixtoddlers remake in Rust.

At least he sounds normal, and not like an American

i imagine every lincuck user to be like this fag
>low test voice
>begs for gibs

>I need more Linux streamers
there's only one you need

>Is he, dare I say, the king of Any Forums?

Attached: 1643896047241.png (1255x699, 802.39K)

He's disappeared for a while now.
I actually like seeing new useful GTK apps and Gn*me extensions.

He posts too much. And usually about uninteresting things. You can't expect quality if there's a video every day.

Luke used to be good, but he found out that milking donations from his audience on Livestreams while telling them to LARP in the woods requires less effort.
Metal Outlaw and Wolfgang are the only decent ones that I know.

He have that pedophile lisp.

Literal tranny.

I'm not there for the genitals you degenerate coomer.
I there for the tech.

mental outlaw is the best
i like wolfgang too but he doesn't post as much
luke smith is just pure cringe

Attached: mental_outlaw.jpg (506x318, 175.6K)

>listening to a tranny's opinion on anything
Could not be me

Attached: pepe troon facts.png (734x971, 381.78K)