Why is Linux still so shit after all those years in development?

I installed ubuntti on my friend's mbp because it was running slow, and not only did ubuntu run even slower, it also took minutes to boot and had issues like blank screen after closing and opening the lid that required a reboot to fix, among many more issues.

Freetards wonder why their system isn't more popular, its not because of lack of driver support or software support, it's because Linux on desktop is a fucking joke

Attached: 1651443795299.jpg (768x765, 121.96K)

>device runs slow
>installs a bloated distro with a bloated gui
actual natrual selection doing god's job
tell us how you managed to fail an iq test

Next time try Xubuntu. Gnome is just as bloated as the other OS choices.

i look like that

No you don't

Who is she?????? So hot

Nakadashi Human Tenga


>uses baseddev shit
use dwm



look at the bulge on the right

Fucking trannies man

whats wrong with it?

It's a penis. That's a boy.

It's a girl with a feminine penis, you dumb faggot

That just makes him hotter and relatable (we are both penis-bros)
I want a boiwife so much it's unreal, please contact me so we can get married immediately

Looks women enough to me

You are mentally ill, but I respect those trips

why else would anyone care?

Attached: 1650127817007.jpg (412x412, 13.15K)

just like Any Forums, linux was never good in exactly the same way