Is Manifest v3 really going to kill ad & tracker blocking on Chromium-based browsers...

Is Manifest v3 really going to kill ad & tracker blocking on Chromium-based browsers? Is there nothing that can be done about it?

Isn't Firefox still insecure and getting worse with every version?

Attached: Manifest-v3.jpg (1200x630, 156.32K)

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>Isn't Firefox still insecure and getting worse with every version?
Tranny infested? Yes. Insecure? No. Getting worse with every version? Yes.

Just fork the old version and build from there?


>Isn't Firefox still insecure and getting worse with every version?
No, they just added site isolation and win32k lockdown and more sandbox hardening on linux, its still worse than chromium on paper but its marginal instead of worlds apart like in 2016
>Is Manifest v3 really going to kill ad & tracker blocking on Chromium-based browsers?
Yes, because Google is killing the webRequest API in manifest v3, firefox is not. webRequest is the API required for filtering engines like uBO's
>Getting worse with every version
Not really, v100 was a really good release that fixed a lot of longstanding problems

the big name adblockers are all botnets so they'll find a way to keep them working

It's 2022. Time for you to make a brave decision and switch to a browser whose adblock is built-in and doesn't rely on extension APIs.

Attached: brave.png (512x512, 42.91K)

>doesn't rely on extension APIs

>Not really
Maybe the core parts of the browser aren't getting worse but you can't be seriously saying that the new UI changes aren't ugly as sin right?

AdGuard co-founder Andrey Meshkov said Chrome is over
>Firefox will soon get the Manifest V3 support and I've got a couple of things to say about that. First of all, Manifest V3 is not an inherently bad idea like some news outlet assumed. The spec can be improved, that's why the W3C group exists. The problem is that Google refuses to adopt the most important bits of the developers' feedback. But I am very glad to see that Mozilla on the contrary does listen to us and their version will be better in every way. One of the benefits of their way is that in Firefox, content blockers will continue to exist in their original, more "powerful" form. Does it mean that a considerable share of users will replace Chrome with FF now? I doubt it, but there's another thing: You probably know that content blockers' work by using special sets of rules that are developed by a large community of filter lists maintainers. AdGuard filters, Easylist, uBlock filters, and so on. I bet that after Manifest V3 is enforced in Chrome all these maintainers will switch to Firefox as their primary browser since now that would be the browser they can use the full power of the content blockers in. Every time a new content blocking issue (missed ad, a tracker, whatever) is reported to them, it will be fixed in Firefox first. Will it be fixed in Chrome too? Probably, yes, but not every time. Slowly, Chrome will become a second-class citizen. And when you would need to achieve the top-notch content blocking, people will recommend you to use Firefox. Back in the day when Chrome was just launched, lack of quality ad blocking was one of the things that made many people continue to use Firefox. We may very well witness the returning of that trend.

Attached: 1653489492521.png (592x413, 92.04K)
Or use a browser with it built-in

Is Manifest v3 really going to kill ad & tracker blocking on Chromium-based browsers?
>Is there nothing that can be done about it?
Use a good browser

Different user, I use this right now. Photon variant. It's definitely better than default but also feels janky somehow. Especially when you close the tab and others move. Also I had a lot more cases of clicking on close tab by accident than with the default. I unironically want Australis back

>Is Manifest v3 really going to kill ad & tracker blocking on Chromium-based browsers?
it's going to kill chromium based browers. the world will continue on as normal

>doesn't rely on extension APIs.
you're a brain damaged fucking nigger.

>Chrome is over
has been for years.


>fork chromium and maintain manifest v2
Yeah that's not a big project at all

Yes, but you'd should already be sticking every filter that's in your adblock list into your hosts list anyway

Nocoders on Any Forums are delusional, its basically impossible to keep MV3 while staying on the latest chromium with all the security fixes (which you'll need, since browser security is a meme and there's a new chrome 0day every week).
manifest v2 support in chromium spans at least 300 files not including the entire dependency chain. Trying to fit a patch of that size into chromium while keeping up with the latest version and security patches is not workable without a full time team of people that already have experience with the codebase, its quite sad.

>I'm not willing to do shit
Then keep complaining and crying about it nigger

>UI changes
You can make firefox look like what you want. Are you retarded?

You are so embarrassingly stupid and tech-illiterate that it's funny.

>Any Forums being filled with glowniggers who argue whataboutism
Terrys death basically ensured that Any Forums was astrotufed into a turd like /k/

If you spend hours fucking with CSS sure, but I'm betting that pozzilla will remove that feature soon enough.

The problem with the "just fork it" meme is that you're putting the web itself in this weird position where the maintainers of the only viable implementation are constantly trying to fuck you over with every update. Mozilla, in all their kikery, have at least made sure content blocking extensions work well by introducing apis just for them like the one for cname uncloaking or filtering response bodies, neither of these are present in chromium, and thats on purpose. As long there's another first party implementation of the web that doesn't require patching and recompiling to block ads, I'll support it

Yeah sure, just two more weeks retard

>you're a brain damaged fucking nigger.

firefox resurgence??

I hope you're right since userchrome is one of the few things that makes firefox somewhat decent. Removing it would make the browser worse.

lmao look at this gigacope. pozilla