It's over i got filtered by docker

>new company
>need to install project locally
>no problem bro is all dockerized
>look through project files
>there are at least 20 dockerfiles and docker compose files
I hate docker trannys so much is unreal

Attached: FB_IMG_1649050725280.jpg (406x703, 17.54K)


>enter project directory
>direnv allow
>all tools automatically installed
>it just werks

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kek retards getting filtered by docker never stops being funny

You shouldn't blame docker for your own lack of intelligence to use it user...

What's the fucking point of docker. Why can't you just install programs like a normal person.

>don't understand something
>start seething about trans people
Many such cases on Any Forums

some trannies reinvented virtual machines and now you have to use it too or you'll be left out , you can't be a normal person in a world filled with trannies just look at the replies from the docker troons itt

le ((((security)))) meme

>virtual machines
Namespaces are not virtual machines

I got filtered by file permission so I learned how to use acl

>stating the obvious
Most retarded reply of all time.

if it was obvious why did the person butcher their explanation? just to misinform?

>docker-compose up
omg so hard

some people work professionally and aren't going to waste time uniquely setting up their environments when they can just version them as code

What the fuck is wrong with you dockertards? You see the words "docker" and "virtual machines" in the same sentence and you assume the person is saying docker == VM, no matter the actual statement. Doesn't matter if it's a comparison, an explanation, a simplification, or whatever. Why?

namespaces aren't reinvented virtual machines retard

You are supposed to have only one docker-compose file, if there is more then one then the project is made by retards. Perhaps there is a clear indication somewhere regarding which one you are supposed yo use? Anyways, once you find it, you can do docker-compose up --build and the whole thing should happen automatically.

Don't simplify to the point of being misleading

you can have more depending on how modular and ... composable your projects are

I still have no idea what docker is and I don't wanna know.

But Docker can't do that?

too bad. docker is program suite for managing system containers-- isolated processes using the OS kernel without virtualization

What is with the chud fascination with hating docker? What is wrong with containerization? Isn't sandboxing and process isolation a good thing? Are you faggots just mad that you don't understand it and no one is spoonfeeding you?


> when you're too stupid for tech
Np bro, you have us.
Let's post more that things we don't understand are stupid.

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because being a band-aid solution it fosters bad practices
>sandboxing and process isolation
docker is not a security solution, it is a deployment solution
don't run processes that aren't supposed to access each other on the same machine, docker or not

I use podman on my fedora silverblue machine. Feels very comfy

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>The Monkey Pill: Women would rather fuck monkeys than incels

>being a band-aid solution
Love this kind of non-answer bullshit.