You hate them cuz they are the best, aren't you?

You hate them cuz they are the best, aren't you?

Attached: microsoft.jpg (535x530, 14.37K)

I hate them because they are glowfaggots, and I hate you because you are an ESL student shitskin retard.

Haters gonna hate

They're getting better since the pajeet took office, not as crap as they were before but still shit.

They gud

Learn C# for webdev yay or nay?

>t. good morning sir

Definitely yay

I hate them because they make shitty software and collect my data without my consent or letting me opt out

>MS Office
>Visual Studio Code
>Github Copilot
Fuck off.

I use Excel a ton for my school and work projects and it's so unbelievably shitty it makes me want to kill myself

>the best
lol. lmao even.
no, i hate them because of their antics, like most sane people.

A virtual machine with a sΘy terminal. No thanks.

>Github copilot
Pseudo-AI botnet shit that lifts code from other people's github projects to populate your autocomplete suggestions. Garbage.

Disgusting, bloated, hacked together spyware bullshit that's been ultra-pozzed since 10.

>Visual Studio Code
Electron trashware like Atom, but with more plugins. Wow.

>MS Office
Wouldn't exist if MS didn't engage in backdoor deals during the 90s to create a monopoly.

The only genuinely decent thing you listed is Azure, which ironically depends on Linux and the FOSS ecosystem. KYS shillfaggot.

I use it more than you do and i used it for decades and it is just perfect. I can think of no alternatives that even compares. The best one is Google Sheets which barely has something like 60% of features of Excel. It's good enough for most people but not for professionals.

The only better alternative than Excel is something like SQL+Pandas.

>Electron trashware like Atom, but with more plugins. Wow
Runs smoother and faster than all Jetbrains IDEs i tested (CLion/IntelliJ/Goland/Rider). Is ubiquitous. Is at the same time a text editor and a configurable IDE

>>Github copilot
>Pseudo-AI botnet shit that lifts code from other people's github projects to populate your autocomplete suggestions. Garbage.
Empty and meaningless words to have some rethoric. You basically said nothing. Github Copilot is by concensus an amazing and extremely powerful product.

>>MS Office
>Wouldn't exist if MS didn't engage in backdoor deals during the 90s to create a monopoly.
That's called deflecting. What made it exist or not has nothing to do with the question of the quality of the product they engineered. Your semantic shifts and your poor rethoric are pityful.

>A virtual machine with a sΘy terminal. No thanks.
What a great argumentation. Throwing unrelated buzzwords doesn't make a case. Go find me another VM that runs an OS with his GUI that only involves a 10% performance loss. You will get a 2000% perf downgrade.

I love VS Code and TypeScript, I hate Windows. I think they made smart purchases with Github and NPM. Overall they are going in a good direction

It's the pajeet. When he took Office the first thing he did was open source most of their technologies and drop the paid restriction on many.

If I bad a dollar ror every problem I encounter bugs crashes and slowness for Visual Studio I could quit my job.... but then I wouldn't get any pay for no errors in emacs

Attached: thirdrate.jpg (301x167, 9.12K)

Try Rider or VSCode. I used to code on VS, then switched for Rider and now i'm doing all my dotnet coding directly from VSCode.