T. never used macs or linux(outside of wsl or servers)

>t. never used macs or linux(outside of wsl or servers)
>never used iphones even when i received them as gifts, i just sell them or give them for free to family

Attached: arma.jpg (225x225, 9.45K)

>t. never used macs or linux(outside of wsl or servers)
>never used iphones even when i received them as gifts, i just sell them or give them for free to family

>>t. never used macs or linux(outside of wsl or servers)
Mac is for normies/npcs and linux is for servers. Apple must be burned to the ground.

apple gave us m1 macs and for that they are n1

I don't deny the excellence of Apple's hardware, but their enclosed system with a lot of vendor lock-in traps and lack of control is a big no. I don't have the level of configurability on windows that i would have on windows but i's no mac. Plus i use some programs that don't run on mac.

that i would have on linux*


>i hate apple but i use microsoft
it's like saying you hate facebook while using twitter, you just out yourself as a poser hating on things out of boredom

No. It's not the same. I hate vendor lock-in and upselling strategies. Windows is very useful and as i said it has compatibility with software that i need and that isn't available on Macs and Linux. It offers more control is more configurable than mac and a better usability and UX than Linux.

>better ux than linux
hell nah, it's only benefit over linux is the support

no one uses linux for the gui

what do you mean

It definitely has a far better UX than Linux including the retard friendly OSes as well as better font rendering and better binding with GPUs. In addition to that, it offers a way broader compatibility with software.

I only use Linux for VPS instances.

I never used a computer.

>linux is for servers
Linux is for general purpose. Windows is botnet.

if you had to give reasons for using linux the list would go like this
>servers (it really shines headless)
>automation of specificity work loads
>dev tools and their tool chains
>embedded systems
>gui (in 100 or so place)

>can't even greentext in green
lol newfag

>better UX than Linux
>better font rendering
nope, it's just set for compatibility by default on gnome
>better binding with GPUs
only on nvidia, and that's not linux' fault
>compatibility with software
only legit argument, not linux' fault again though
but for me everything runs good on wine

I don't even think anyone brags about how great the linux gui is. Like yeah you can customize it but it's not really a pleasure to work with.

it actually has been really good for at least 10 years, and for few years already even the feel comes close to mac os

Have you actually used it or worked with it? It's a mess and beyond salvageable.