>>2016 non-sponsored video

non-sponsored video
>all tests concluded that cables do not impact airflow and temperatures

sponsored video
>who doesn't want better airflow thanks to no cables

I guess sometimes you need to forget your own videos to have enough of excuses to shill something.

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I thought that was Tom Scott for a second.

>another e-celeb cancer thread
when will zoomers kill themselves?

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Linus, stop posting here. You're not going to get more views by spamming your latest video every single day

Linus should off himself and LTT should be razed to dust.

Only if Gamersnexus hires Anthony on to be their new cohost.

>Tech Jesus and Tech Shrek, together at last

You are being disingenuous. On bottom, he tore into gigabyte about the dumb front panel which caused overheating and he actually drilled circles into the case.

I wish they'd fuck off and die but they're still gaining month on month

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why are you obsessed with this shit? it's the equivalent of posting pewdiepie on Any Forums

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They are very definitely past peak though, and it's happening at the same time as they're doing a pretty big expansion (some kind of hardware review lab?) and investing in harebrained products only retards will buy (do I want to buy an overpriced screwdriver from some canuck who has never made screwdrivers before, or do I buy basically the same thing from a German company that has made screwdrivers for seventy years and has had a reputation for quality throughout?

Yes, only mongoloid Linus is allowed to spam their websites on Any Forums.

today i will remind them

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what is trans

Oh, okay. God damn it.

baby don't hurt me
no more

it's embarrassing to read this while keeping in mind that this fat retard thought he was brave for doing making that post
a post on twitter about supporting trannies
*dies from cringe*

check their forum, it is absolutely infested with pajeets. saw one of the weirdest interactions on there too, one pajeet made a thread asking linus why he made a certain choice in one of his builds and another pajeet came into the thread and told off the original pajeet for bothering linus about this when he is obviously a busy man and then original pajeet apologised. peak Good Morning Sirs shit. but yeah there's no good discussion on their forum because it's full of pajeets who don't search the forum before creating a shitty thread.

I also make all my important announcements on April 1st

Such is the reality of giving people user names. "Oh no, my reputation!"

i don't think that's the problem with their forum. pajeets aside, almost all the other posts there are dunning kruger retards regurgitating the same advice at each other, its just a worthless place full of midwits circle jerking.

Not soon enough

So what's the tier list for tech jewtubers?
Level1 > GamersNexus > Jayz2ยข > LTT?

Why the fuck do people support mental illness?

Because it's heckin cute and valid bro.

Coomer culture says fetishes must be cherished and validated.

LTT gets mogged by anybody doing any genuine technical content. I think you're right Level1 is top tier. The only reason I watch any LTT at all is because work is slow at the moment and i use it as background noise. I don't know why they keep making videos about retro gaming, I don't want to watch that fat ogre lecturing me about finger grease on old game carts and how he can ethically rip his roms because he paid $300 for an old cart. Fuck you cunt I block ads and steal media and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Based trans ally
chuds can go dilate

Is Level1 Wendell? If so, then yeah, actually knowledgeable and gets called up by the other jewtubers like Tech Jesus.

He's a Leaf Kike, will do anything for money and doesn't pay for anything anymore. All that shit in his new house? All sponsored shit given to him for free. His business is run on free shit as long as he shows the product off and reads the ad paper.