How do I actually make this shit usable?

How do I actually make this shit usable?

Attached: neovim.png (800x600, 109.14K)

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usable for what? If you want to code use a proper ide.

sudo apt remove neovim
sudo apt install vscode

install emac

how do these solve the code editing part better?

By not using it. Install VS Codium, Vim/Emacs are for LARPers.

I don't know. What is your problem with neovim exactly?

vim is for editing configs
emacs if for programming in lisp

So, LARPing? Glad we agree.

how is this larping, retard?

Because editing configs and writing lisp is not programming.

> Fell for the vim meme
Install Emacs.

No one uses vim or Emacs for ACTUAL work and ACTUAL productivity. Use VSCode or an IDE.

>editing configs is larping
>programming isn't prgramming

>>editing configs is larping
>>programming isn't prgramming
lisp is not programming

okay, you're retarded. I get it.

Nope. Ricing your tiling wm config file and posting recursive fizzbuzz in lisp does not constitute as programming. It's LARPing.

alias vim="nvim"

not be a retard maybe?

Honestly just use Doom Emacs, you get the best of both worlds

if you have brains then ->
if you are a retard and want to start with a prebuilt config then ->

good luck faggot


You have no idea how much I hate Microshit. And yet I still installed VSCode. Because nvim & emacs is just dogshit. Can be nice to open nvim for a quick file edit tho from ranger or some other file explorer. But for a real job, use VSCode.

just install nvchad
Don't listen to the emac boomers

It's 'code' retard