Are there any reasons to learn and use swift?

Are there any reasons to learn and use swift?
What does swift have that other languages do not?

Attached: swift-og.png (1200x1200, 24.92K)

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Yes. The logo is sex. I am planning to learn it because of the logo.

logo is tasteless. looks like something a pajeet telecom conpany would come up with. the shade of orange with the gradient is visually offensive.

Logo makes me horny. You want tasteless logos? Go knock at Uber's, Airbnb's and other "companies" doors. Swift's logo is neat.


if you want to develop for ios or macos maybe. even then you can use other languages to develop for apple ecosystem although your options are a bit more limited on ios. anyway, you should first figure out what you want to make and only then pick the tools to do it.

but what about development for other platforms?

Swift is so well designed, it eliminates entire classes of bugs
Using Swift will make you a better programmer
Swift was built by the genius who created LLVM and funded by the most prosperous computer company in the world

No. It’s ugly. Citing even uglier “art” doesn’t make the Nike shoebox pajeet logo better art.

I'm curious then, what do you consider to be a "good" logo user? Does it have to be 3D + with textures and filled with details to be considered beautiful by you?

Attached: 1646803338277.jpg (1500x1500, 386.57K)

but they are unnecessarily confusing, he's right

apparently switftui fucking sucks.
iirc ibm were using it for server side programming and abandoned it.

>What does swift have that other languages do not?
First class iOS and macOS support.

no way this is real
then what are we supposed to do? A loop?

Attached: 1615582853714.jpg (1920x1080, 96.06K)

The syntax is beautiful, I can't say anymore before being called an iToddler.


Just say it. They'll call you an iToddlers anyways

>an iToddlers
hello iJeet

Projecting so hard

It seems a little Rust-ish, but higher level. It has sum types, at least, which are not nearly as wide-spread as they should be.
It has some cool tricks for dynamic linking:
But it's pretty useless on other platforms. And I've heard complaints that the language is becoming too messy.