>freetards will defend this

well Any Forums?

Attached: 1653410208676.png (1261x806, 189.66K)

low quality post

>>freetards will defend this

Attached: 1645821043844.png (1143x1080, 1.18M)

and gay

>Doesn't audit
tfw 7e+6 IQ cooooompiler.

decent drawing, but fuck your bait

i can sense the newfag aura coming from this image

Attached: 1653406460041.jpg (750x735, 615.78K)

Installing things is a great hobby. I make multiple environments simply to install and mix/match installations. Nothing beats making a few cups of coffee on a rainy evening, cracking open the windows, and installing things.

It's incredibly funny how people are offended when told to install Gentoo. Live life, install Gentoo.

Attached: 1384726170832.jpg (1059x1495, 572.3K)

This is me.

Attached: 1652877271403.png (1118x1080, 453.15K)

You must be seething wayy to hard to make this kind of artwork. Sorry for your loss.

Eternally kekking at all these tards assuming I'm not exactly the kind of person I'm baiting and making fun of here

Attached: problem?.png (1920x1080, 968.23K)

>look guys im baiting, im not a literal retard like you might have thought
>lets post the most retarded make.conf for part 2

Pls get a job.

My laptop runs Rocky so no

your wojak will never be funny

Name one thing retarded about it.
>muh -j16 retarded
I have 32 gigs ram and at least 16 cores. -j16 is exactly correct for my build hardware.
>muh all these video cards retarded
This is a portable install on multiple machines.
>muh all these use flags retarded
I have a legitimate use case for as many packages as possible to have specific features for X, aac, acl, acpi, alsa, bash-completion, bluetooth, crypt, cups, curl, cxx, dbus, dist-kernel, fbcon, ffmpeg, flac, fontconfig, ftp, gif, gimp, git, gpm, gtk, gui, imagemagick, jpeg, libcaca, luajit, man, mmap, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mplayer, mtp, mysql, ncurses, ogg, opengl, openmp, openssl, opus, pcmcia, pcre, pda, pdf, pie, png, posix, pulseaudio, python, readline, ruby, scanner, sdl, smp, sockets, sound, ssl, svg, threads, tiff, truetype, unicode, usb, vorbis, vulkan, webp, wifi, xft, xinerama, xpm, zip, and zlib.
Whreas consolekit, elogind, geolocation, gnome, gnome-keyring, gps, kde, networkmanager, plasma, policykit/polkit, spell, systemd, telemetry, udisks, and wayland are all cringe and unnecessary.
Name any one of these you find suspect and I can explain why it's there.
>b--but muh you just put every use flag in there
I actually didn't. There are plenty of use flags I omitted.

I wont bite, retard. Keep trying. Start with visiting indeed.com


Sorry you got filtered by Any Forumsentoo

>uuuuuh his make.conf looks really bad and really looks like i should be able to find a flaw because the whole thing is so hideous but i can't actually find a specific flaw now that i'm trying so i'll just say nigger instead

Attached: 1653023112101.gif (570x537, 73.14K)

Ironic when you say that.
>muhhhhhhh use fluggggssss aaaaaaa more useeee flugggggggssss aaaaaa pls Any Forums im elite gentoo user aaaaa look at dem useee flugs

Name one use flag you think shouldn't be there and I'll explain why it is.
You won't because you can't.

>spoonfeed me on how to make a proper use of use flags
Learn to read nigger.

I read all I needed to, that's why I only have the use flags I need.

"Man", but my guess is, youre FtM