Why is Windows so hard to use?

Why is Windows so hard to use?

Attached: and you can't put question marks in filenames LOL ????????.png (980x989, 149.04K)

“It’s simple but understanding that it is simple is complicated”

Attached: F361582D-CFDB-427F-B75C-5FCF1CA948AC.jpg (3115x3853, 2.71M)

UH OH, butthurt goyim incoming

>app isn't in the repository
>go to website
>look for Linux version
>literally just a link to the source code

If you used macOS before linux, linux is nice and intuitive to use.
If you used windows before linux you don't understand how to use an operating system.

it's an office os, people using it on personal computers are retarded

so compile it? they include build instructions

gcc source.c

he's illiterate

>error missing slib.so
>include error

sudo make install

I hate modern os for the constant internet dependency. Package managers are cancer

> not creating a package for your distro
> not writing a ci pipeline to auto build and host on your server

then turn off the internet? it is so easy user yet you're here

>DirectX not found error
>missing msvc100.dll error
Is listing random missing libraries your idea of a good argument?

Nope. That's stupid and a waste of electricity.

>go to download dll.com
>put in exe directory
>just werks
freetards btfo

uh-oh! missing libnigger.so!!! find it and then we will talk

Yall niggers cant accept that windows just werks. If you are illiterate to use windows and linux and must choose one, you really should just stay away from computers. MUH GEBTOO MUH LINIXX like nigga fr is u retarded? Everybody has to work with linux one way or the other but nobody makes a fuss about it. Just KYS

>app isn't in the repository
>find the repository it's in
>there is one
>if you think there isn't then you're wrong
>use that one
>install it

>apt get install package
>"package not found"
>Google it
>Add the repository
>"package depends on x but it won't be installed because bullshit"
Downsides to every system.

Oh yes I wanna use a cool program that's not on the repo

I need to search for the installation instructions, copy paste a new repo, copy paste the signatures, install prerequisites and with some luck install the software I wanted withouth it randomly failing to install due to some locked dependency that is not gonna be installed

So easy!

>what is flatpak
>what is nix/guix
>what is appimage
>what is self-compilted program

>apt install libsomething
>it installs
>just werks
proprietards btfo. Again, where's your argument?

>want to install program to do X
>there are several programs that do X in repos
>they're all decent AND shit in different areas each
>no good or event decent program to do X
it's every time like this with loonix
starting with the desktop and window manager really

Well op is a lying cunt
>Try 'install --help' for more information.

Attached: file.png (820x593, 413.51K)


>what is...
not used enough and packaged by randoms on the internet that's what they are

wow this is new, nice
god damn linux trannies BTFO

please be trolling, I cannot be seriously be sharing this board with such retards

>they hated him because he told them the truth

>-you litterally just write
>“install" followed by
>whatever program you
>want and it does it

>scoop install totalcommander foobar2000 foobar2000-encoders
it's better than any package manger on lesuxs

Attached: scoop.png (859x732, 31.72K)

On windows, i don't have to do this. If the devs weren't autistic trying to prove something they would provide a linux binary as well.

>downloading potential malware
so beetee eff oh XD

scoop is alright but a little kludgey by nature since windows programs aren't meant to be distributed like how scoop does it.

i put them in system 32, that way nothing will ever miss that dll again

>>want to install program to do X
>>there are several programs that do X in repos
No, it's really just xorg

it's just a download manger for portable apps (like every app I use it portable)

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh linux sisters????????

it's every time like this with troonix, indeed
>linux is a kernel xdd

>being afraid of le virus boogeyman

may as well use a mac.