
>doom emacs
>vim for minor editing
>default terminal
post your comfy setup

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As long as its linux I couldn't give less of a shit about preferences. I dislike apple, android and windows products and only use them when absolutely necessary. If I notice I'm sticking with something for too long I will hop.

>vscode for everything
>Nord theme for the desktop, terminal, tmux, vscode, firefox and everything else that supports it
Outta my way vim trannies, I got work to do

MBP 16” running Monterey

same but arch instead of >mint

>windows 10
>emacs with custom init
>neovim collecting dust somewhere


>webstorm / vscode

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-05-24 08-14-36.png (1920x1080, 569.46K)

>neovim & vscodium
>Arch (just werks)
>minimal rice

>default KDE
>VS Code because filtered by Emacs
>konsole with a lisp interpreter running to debug

>arch mate

This won't make you a real woman

Windows 10 LTSC 1809
VS 2010
Windows PowerShell (the thing from the Win + X Menu)

Fedora, default terminal, Doom emacs for all productive work.
Emacs consumes all meme apps like non-default terminals, terminal file managers, etc.

win 11
notepad ++

Not a zoomer. lmao.

>Fedora 36
>VSCodium + vim extension
>obsidian for notes

I just want to get shit done. No complex ricing.

>VSCodium + vim extension
so comfy it's unreal
>manjaro (probably going to move to arch to avoid the "testing" delay for getting new packages)
i'll probably look into obsidian when i start uni next year, i've heard good things about it

nixos + emacs + termonad

>notepad for minor editing
>windows terminal
it works

got a job


>vim for editing, vscode for programming
>nord terminal theme with default gnome-terminal
>fuckerfox with some QOL extensions
it's not a riced out neet desktop but i don't want it to be

>windows 10 (regular, no long-tranny-support-channel shit)
>notepad++ for minor editing
>windows terminal (with dos, powershell and wsl tabs)
simple as