/wdg/ - Web Development General

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - A good starting point to learn about web dev fundamentals
javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
freecodecamp.org - Curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
theodinproject.com - Curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, and either Ruby on Rails / SQL, or Node.js / MongoDB
fullstackopen.com/en/ - Requires you to have basic web dev, db and git knowledge
flexboxfroggy.com/ and cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex/grid in CSS
phptherightway.com/ - A decent PHP resource
phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial

>List of design resources

>All useful documentation in one place

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

We have own website: wdg.one
Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:
:: my-project-title ::
dev:: user
tools:: node, react, etc
link:: my.website.com
repo:: github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


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first for fuck leetcode

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Second for ASPie.net

Building projects with frameworks is what will get you hired. Building projects with vanilla JS will help build a comfortable understanding of the language. Do both. Prioritize React.
Trying to jump into React, or any framework, without having familiarity with, not only JavaScript, but with basic web development procedures, is a recipe for disaster. You will likely be in far over your head.

Don't spend too much time doing leetcode questions. I doubt you'll ever need to solve more than easies during an interview. They only do basic DSA questions to ensure that you have a basic understanding of programming, not just copying code from a tutorial.

vue is gay, just like anime

all frameworks are gay
all webdev is bloat

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Request for picrel to be the next /wdg/ OP pic.

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C# is like typescript but for white men

Anyone done the Colt Steele Web Developer Bootcamp? I've recently started it from nothing and have found it really good so far. After finishing the course, what are some good things to recommend doing (e.g. projects) to do before attempting to get an entry level job?

request deez

If I start doing web dev for a company with no previous web dev position, should I max out on libraries like bootstrap or do my own thing?

In awe of this absolute gigachad

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How is it on Linux these days?
How is Rider IDE compared to VS?
I really liked C# years ago, and I am considering to use it if I start my own company. But I am not sure if it is the right choice.
I will probably go with JS fullstack instead.

do your own thing

OP here, I actually did save this in the last thread because I was planning to use it for the next OP, I just forgot about it

>Colt Steele
That name has to be made up.

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imagine learning webdev from a dude with a pornstar name

I've been working through his JavaScript one. It's pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good.

I can't really give any recommendations though. I've done web design (poorly) since I was 13 and just kinda winged it. Now I'm working on a commercial project (and done a few previously) despite probably not being skilled enough.

All I can say is don't oversell yourself and try to do some independent work if you can, and you'll learn as you go.

Pretty sure it's not. He's got a YouTube channel with a bunch of stuff there, and he also sells courses on Udemy.
Not gonna lie, it's kinda based.

Couldn't find a better place to ask this (and I'm not going to redshit), so I hope someone here can help me because I'm shit at networking:

I set up a home server with reverse nginx proxy.
It has ddns via duckdns for access.
I wanted to use Wireguard (server mode) to restrict access so only people connected to the VPN can access the server attached to the reverse proxy.
All run under Docker.
VPN - Reverse Proxy - Server

But I can't figure out if this is possible. Best I can tell, the server is still accessible via ddns regardless of the VPN.

Does that method work, and if so, how do I set it up?

If not, what's another alternative?
I was thinking using nginx or iptables in the reverse proxy container to restrict connections to local network ( and then connections to ddns would be rejected unless done on local network. VPN is required to access local network and therefore reverse proxy + server.

Am I on the right path with any of this?

Gif related is the behavior I want. I implemented it in the following way:


And the following CSS on the SelectDropdown component for the font color

color: #f6f6f6;
:required:invalid {
color: #757575;

But I'm getting a warning:
Warning: Use the `defaultValue` or `value` props on instead of setting `selected` on

I've googled but I can't figure out how to keep the dropdown working exactly the same without using selected. Pls help

Attached: 1650111380774.gif (493x214, 9.02K)

>Pretty sure it's not. He's got a YouTube channel with a bunch of stuff there, and he also sells courses on Udemy.
I have heard of him before and came across the Udemy course, but it still sounds like a made-up name to me. Maybe he changed his name to that. Or maybe not.

I don't remember but I feel like I looked into it and that wasn't the case. But I'm not sure.

Then again, I knew a guy with an even more pornstar-sounding name like that, and that was also his real name, so you never know.

Doesn't it just want defaultValue="" on the ?

No, it wants it instead of selected here:
but if I remove selected from this the color behavior no longer works and I can't figure out how to get it working a different way