Gentoo users are far more obnoxious than Arch users

Gentoo users are far more obnoxious than Arch users.

Attached: __minah_original_drawn_by_chaesu__50eb7222faaf12c28de693d033b1621f.png (1428x2000, 1.83M)

Excuse me but we do not allow lolly pops in the shoe store

They are humbled by the installation process
Arch is marginally more difficult than other distros, so they brag more
t. arch user

>They are humbled by the installation process
The installation process literally has the opposite effect on them.

The lack of an installer in 2022 is inexcusable and the most obvious sign of an amateur distribution, period. Even Arch eventually realized this and started shipping with an installer again (it was actually removed many years ago).

The fact that something such as the handbook exists shows that Gentoo maintainers miss the entire point of computers. Can you imagine if there was some way of executing the commands in the handbook automatically, without copying them? Right.

If you are part of the small minority that actually wants to do some nontrivial configuration at install time, you can still do it whether there is an installer or not. One of my Debian installs uses a filesystem that was, at the time, unsupported by the official installer. The lack of an option did not stop me, but it still helped me with the boring and error-prone shit.

Still, the majority of people aren't doing anything crazy during installation. I'm willing to bet that at least 80% of people running Gentoo on a PC followed the handbook word by word.

>Z symbol on shoes
Excuse me, but jewish community is offended by this.

The Glorious Rashan Empire fell to a Jewish ideology and Jews still run Rasha. I fail to see your logic.

Yet, every jew that exists screeches at Russia like a stressed snake.

yes but jews hate russia more than anything, funnily enough they hate them even more than they hate germans which tells you a lot about how bitchass useless nazis were

the russian empire destroyed the khazar khaganate, since then jews and russians have a blood feud and all of world's history is centered around the battle of the slav (+ asians with test) and the jew (+ anglo and blacks)

>jews hate russia
This is all in your head, stop browsing Any Forums or whatever other shithole that fed you this crap.

>MAN shoes
well that checks out

it's actually

N for Nakadashi

No. Most of the time you only notice Gentoo users, when Arch users rage about Gentoo.

It's always derivative users actually, Manjaro is the source of the "btw I use Arch" meme because a whole bunch of retards don't understand it's not Arch.


in my east euro country comparty/Interfront jews are quite supportive of russia and hate local vaguely ehtnonationalist, non-russian government. i suspect you have absolutely no insight of politics in europe and exsoviet sphere.

Manjaro and all the "stable rolling release" meme distributions are trash. They are the worst of both worlds.

You don't have the stability and integration of a point release distribution and you don't even have the latest versions of software. It has no advantage whatsoever compared to either method of distribution: either stick to point release, or go balls deep and use a bleeding edge rolling release.

meant for the mutty faggot ()
u were replying to.

for mutt trump train / reactionary faggots, do note that "trump aipac" term won't return anything of substance in yandex image search. consider why.

I think you just fell for internet memes and you lack any real world experience.

what do you mean?

my point is that right wing mutts are being astroturfed to have retarded view of russia where they political fantasies are true.

Attached: interfront jew.jpg (474x266, 21.78K)

Who in the name of christ gives a shit? Just call them a nigger

>The lack of an installer in 2022 is inexcusable
Filtered by fdisk
>I'm willing to bet that at least 80% of people running Gentoo on a PC followed the handbook word by word.
Filtered by RTFM
Do arch trannies really?

i installed gentoo again just recently and i barely even used the handbook, just references it a couple times to check for anything gentoo-specific, i didn't copy+paste anything from it
the thing about gentoo is that damn near all of it is subject to personal preference, an "installer" would have next to nothing to do/automate