/gdg/ Grass Design General

Welcome to /gdg/ - Game Development General

This thread is intended for game and engine developers of all levels. Post projects you're working on. Share resources to add to the general is you have them. Since this is a new general, it needs a lot of help and tweaking. Making fun of unity and godot is allowed and encouraged.

>What about /agdg/?
This thread is meant to be more about the programming behind games and engines, as well as learning game development.

▶ Tutorials
>Game Dev Getting Started
>GoDot Game Dev Beginner Tutorial
>C++ Game Dev Tutorials (Simple 2D and 3D Games From Scratch)
>LOVE2d Lua tutorials

▶ Making Engines
>SDL (Full suite: audio, graphics, and input)
>Raylib (Full suite)
>GLFW (window, input, graphics)
>SOKOL (window, input, graphics)
>OpenGL (Low-level graphics)

▶ Engines
godotengine.org/ (2D/3D Game Engine, Cross-Platform)
pygame.org/ (2D and some 3D Game Engine in Python, Cross-Platform)
Love2D love2d.org/ (2D lua)
Monogame monogame.net/ (C#)
libGDX libgdx.com/ (Mobile/PC Java)
LWJGL lwjgl.org/ (Low level java)

▶ Editors
>General Images

Previous thread:

Attached: Nothing will be wrong.png (600x600, 839.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Work on your game/project

>I’m always being asked for more information on the LISP based languages I designed for the Crash and Jak games. So to that effect, I’m posting here a journal article I wrote on the subject in 1996. This is about GOOL, the LISP language used in Crash 1, Crash 2, and Crash 3. GOOL was my second custom language. Way of the Warrior had a much simpler version of this. Jak 1,2,3 & Jak X used GOAL, which was a totally new vastly superior (and vastly more work to create) implementation that included a full compiler. GOOL (the subject of this article) was mostly interpreted, although by Crash 2 basic expressions were compiled into machine code. But I’ll save details on GOAL for another time.


Attached: crashlaunchposter-225x300.jpg (225x300, 26.77K)

k fag

You'll be greeted by this the first time you boot my game. streamable.com/eg2sqd

if any of you LARPers actually care about it.
You could contribute to github.com/open-goal/jak-project

The dev has a really sweet video on youtube that's like 4 hours long discussing the creation of Crash.

I'm stuck on a problem that requires me to make like 4 separate things at the same time before it'll work at all and I just can't wrap my head around it for some reason.

Attached: 1627548179411-2.jpg (1280x720, 366.03K)

>contribute to
go away freetard

looks cool
>How finished is the project?
>We estimate it is about 80% done. Most of the renderers and sound are finished, but there are still a few bugs.
i personally find it harder to contribute anything that's actually meaningful to projects that are already so far along, but I'll check it out.

Kek nice are you an enginefag?

Nah, just to suit the needs.

We’re full, piss off.

Feels kind of jarring. The background within the circle pops in out of nowhere, the circle itself looks bad, the title itself looks bad, the sloth looks horrifying.

If it was me I'd have the first frame be complete darkness. The circle would fly in from the side of the screen and as it rotates around the center of the viewport both the viewer and circle would rapidly move towards the branch (The jungle would be a 3D environment you can only see through the circle), quickly slowing down as you approach it. The circle would then close in on the center of the screen.

What do you think of this 5 minute GIMP project?

Attached: out.jpg (3000x2512, 933.69K)

>grass design general
top kek

Anyone who says this isn't literally the best grass ever made is stupid and an artlet and not worth talking to.

Attached: 68825270_704640286642457_2049479117144850432_n.png (1126x391, 992.26K)

not a fan of this forced, fake-schizo gimmick.

Why do you keep shilling my picture kek

It's supposed to be jarring. I could test the idea of starting from complete darkness, that might be funny. I like the circle spinning in I don't want it rolling in and the jungle appears with the music chime for extra cheese lol. Yeah the shader nodes on the ring and logo are super bad I didn't really put effort into them.

wtf is a "shader node"

there's pop-in on the fur, fix that


Yeah I'm not sure why it does that? I think it might be the lighting? Idk.