Retarded languages that hold your hand

Python and C# are for retards who can't into programming. They're both the "Scratch" of their league. One is just an executable pseudocode and the other, while it claims to give you more power while being as simple as Python is just trying to lock you in the microshit ecosystem
>but-b... muuh it's as productive as python and as performant as go
Irrelevant and untrue. Go has a better memory usage. Also that doesn't account in the balance. You are being played by microsoft and life will be hell if you are trapped
>b-but muuh c# is comfier than java and cpp
Your gay ass is confirming my claim that ms shills and dotnet shills can't into code.

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Swift is also for retards who think all that matters for a programming language is whether its syntax is retarded and (((elegant)))

There's a reason why they call them iToddlers user

You're not wrong that C# is holding my hand and forcing me swallow MS's new (tasty) shit.
I just want something that's both comfy and werks OOTB as someone that doesn't work in the tech field.
C# and Python have helped me make dozens of utils/websites/simple ui tools solve my issues, automate tedious tasks, and run/store my shit on a VPS.
I've used them in nearly all parts of life even for making telegram and discord bots and also for work.

Either you program or you don't user. Stop using retarded languages that hold you by the hand and be a man.

Learn useful stuff like C and Go.

Although I don't work as a programmer, I know that programming languages are about making it easier for me to command the computer.
I don't see how it's "man"-ly to use half-attempts of convenience like C++. Because it's awful and sucking it makes me a man? because it can be a second faster and hard as fuck to port?
Sorry, but if you want to be a REEL MAN, don't use any abstractions at all or stop trying.

You don't understand how to truly design software beyond the boundaries of your managed runtime. Someday you will need to do some metaprograming or to use another lang/ecosystem and you'll be stuck.

Not retarded if it pays the bills

I'd rather be a NEET than sell my soul to microshit. That's what microcucks don't understand. The inherent qualities of the language are Irrelevant if it's being tied to Micro$hit

Don't mix up python and c#.

c# performs ok, yes it's easy, but it's usually not the first thing people learn. The problem with c# is that it's microsoft-controlled. It's their attempt to take over java, and it is mostly better than java too, other than m$ controlling it.

Python is one of the two beginner languages, has a dumbed down syntax, that isn't any easier but newbies get used to, that hampers them when they do real programming later. It's also horribly slow, making JS look lightning fast. Python gets a lot of undue credit.

>I wish more of my bones were broken
Retarded take.
Python is a very good language for prototyping designs and C# is good for stateful applications with dedicated infrastructure, "microservices".

itt: buttmad elitist retard who gow replaced by a scriptkiddie that shurns out python code
stay mad, fag

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This is a bad bait thread, but here is the real reason to use something like C# and Python.

Try working in an institution with over 4 figures worth of people using your software. You have to make thousands of assumptions, using heuristic thinking constantly and synchronize your team of developers to make products.

C# is for desktop products or web servers where you have a MS stack in house and need to produce software for retards to perform some set of functions. It is essentially Java with second mover advantage. The reason to use it is all the tooling which goes around with it and the automatic security patching, version improvements etc to keep software up to date.

Python is either for rapid prototyping, statistics/data science, pen testing or excel spreadsheet automation. It has lots of users who aren't skilled programmers by trade, but need to use software all the time.

Golang is far slower to write in, you use it for high performance web servers in situations where you know your development needs. I.E. Bank software, Google products (they usually prototype in house with other languages), Fintech garbage or whatever.

C is nice for Systems programming, microcontrollers and such, but the caution and code review process makes it a time consuming and high skill threshold language to develop in. Same with C++.

>TLDR: Don't be a faggot CS student who thinks software needs to be minimalist and hard to implement.

C# fags are mostly low IQs that got filtered by Java or Maven/Gradle

Brian Kernighan uses Python. Why do you think that is?

He got filtered by lisp

I am a physicist, I need python for excel-ish applications, simple GUIs and somewhat simple matrix and integral calculus. I dont care if it eats RAM and CPU, is slow and is not a real code. It is better than matlab, and it gets shit done. If it is slow, I will slap threading and multiprocessing on it as a fast crutch and leave it calculate over night.

Code monkeys gonna seethe.

i like python, it's fun to program in.

>Simple GUI
Should've used Delphi then