Is there a minimal client for this hot garbage? I can't stand it anymore

Is there a minimal client for this hot garbage? I can't stand it anymore.

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I just use Edge


it's called jitsi

>tfw deploying Teams in 24/7 offices with hundreds of employees
The "enterprise way" is such a giant fucking crock of ghetto shit. Oh yeah give me those 200 different Teams instances on a single computer that all handle updates separately, I'm loving every second of it.

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neat, I didn't know about this


this application is pure hot garbage. which is sad since i was a fan of sametime but teams is just really bad.

why is the mac version twice as fast as the windows client? what a joke.

android = mac >>> windows >>> linux

linux teams is so fucking bad but i'm forced to install it since its our official messaging and meeting application

Seriously. I fucking hate that teams went this way. Being a desktop admin, Teams is a nightmare, especially if your methods of software deployment are older. We still use SCCM. How hard would a basic installer for Teams be?

>Has an MSI installer, should be easy.

Heh, nothing personnel, kiddo. It's just a cheapo wrapper that extracts to electron and doesn't follow any standard MSI conventions.

Want it on VDI with a profile manager that Microshit owns? Fuck you.

Probably because MacOS can actually manage the electron bullshit a little better because Apple will mandate the PKG/DMG standard and keep everything isolated.

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love how the mac version installs itself into login items and the preference for the functionality can only be disabled by having an account to log into teams with.

I hate this steaming pile of dung so bad on macos. The mobile version is okish. The ultra censored gif library triggers me the most

Teams is so slow and shitty. I hate it with all my fiber and being.

I think it's every fiber of your being
like, youre not made of fibers and beings

stop being autistic. I purposefully wrote it that way and you fags have to ruin it

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My problem isn't that it is slow, it's how fucking buggy and basic it is. The search function may as well not exist, it's useless. It shows you ONE message with zero context. The only way to go back to it and see the context is to scroll ALL THE WAY UP in someone's convo history.
Oh and the scrolling is fucked too.

don't forget about those mention or reminds emails, fucking useless

I build powerapps that run in teams for a living. Actively making all youse lives worse

>I was only pretending to be retarded

It's actually somehow worse than the castrated version of Skype that Microsoft used to ship.

Our team was using irc and we loved it... In fact we didn't even think about it. It just werked the way it should. You want a room for an ad-hoc conversation ? Done.
The higher-ups had our company migrate to teams for "security reasons" (in reality to micro-manage who speaks to whom)
We hate it with all our heart.
BTW we are a linux company.

>BTW we are a linux company.
That makes it even worse

for once I'm glad my company uses slack... it's like a realtime reddit jew but at least it actually fucking works
god i hate teams so much
did you know they implemented the notification pop up in custom win32 code that forces itself over every application? so if you have a fullscreen video or game, the notification will just fucking minimize it