Bald man singlehandedly destroys opensores cucks with a single quote

"The idea of a pull request is offensive. It's like, hey, go do all the work. And then you can submit to me your request so that I pay attention to your work. And then I, the guy who decides what goes in, will decide to take your work or not. And... if I decide not to then you wasted your time".

when did you realize Dave Bautista was the smartest programmer of our time?

Attached: bautista.jpg (540x690, 20.47K)

lmao is this a spam bot or just discord troons wasting their time? Still using Linux.

Yes, this is often how collaboration works, especially between people with different levels of authority.
Which you'd know if you actually worked instead of jerking off internet personalities.

Attached: 1474780694320.jpg (518x710, 86.58K)

>i cannot accept criticism
linux sucks and i still use it

It's not ideal, but -- wait, no, I got that backward. It's not good, but it IS ideal. This is just the best you can do when it comes to group programming. If someone's shit doesn't work, or isn't going to work later down the line, then you can't let it in, simple as. They'll have wasted their time, and your time, and the community's time -- the company's time, if you prefer -- when all they were doing is the very best they could. It's bitter and painful, but it's a truth that needs to be honored, or else the whole project falls apart.

What's the alternative?

Make the pull request for youself. You can always keep using it in your branch.

>collaboration works by wasting your time and getting rejected
your average gnome user will believe and defend this because gnome contributors know no better

Name one other way that collaboration between PROGRAMMERS can WORK.
Collaboration between NON-programmers can work without this approach.
Collaboration between programmers can operate without this approach, if they want their project to NOT work.
But I have yet to see any other approach by which means people who ARE programmers can make something that DOES work.

Working together on a solution.

>If I say things in a dumb and dismissive way that means I have an argument

Attached: 1556632647803.gif (360x300, 3.03M)

How else are you going to do it? Just merge everything blindly?

no. Get leadership and a team of people you can trust. Quality jump instant

Sounds like wasted PRs are created by bad programmers.

the only person that will ever love him is his mother

>Release my own version because I only contribute to GPL only projects

programming is inherently racist, the way to fix this is to ban all white people from it. remove the source of the racism. however we can start small for this example with banning all white people from being able to have any say in pull requests.

the leadership will deny your shitty PR anyway lol.

A pull request is not "Hey I made this for you, please accept my work", it's "I use your software and found this modification I made to it to be useful, maybe it can be of use to you as well, if not, I will simply continue using my personal modified variant".
Spewing blatant nonsense is not criticism. If not spamming, it is tone deaf.


>tone deaf
ironic post

yes we should just push all code to production without any tests or evaluating it thats for nerds

Blah blah blah.

Release a Jai compiler, then we'll listen.