I fucking hate HackerNews and Lobste.rs

For the brainwashing that they’re doing to up and coming developers.
It’s insane. I see employees regurgitate these “top comment, upvoted opinions” without ever stopping and thinking about what they’re actually saying.

>It’s never “just” that simple
>ooh, but never implement your own crypto!
Blah blah, I get it. You read some comments on hacker news. Good for you.
But when an expert tells you you should be able to achieve something in 3 months, you don’t respond with “it’s never ‘just’ that simple”
A guy once delivered an impressive prototype in 10 fucking weeks, from scratch. When he proposed the project people thought he was delusional. And he fucking did it. A massive project. Why? Because he knows what he’s talking about.

And even after that, when he proposed a solution and a timeline on a separate project that involved building similar modules, he was met with “oh, it’s harder than it looks. It’s never just ‘just’”.
How about you stop finding excuses for your incompetence.

Attached: 1634492234848.jpg (1280x1920, 197.95K)

Of course you can make something fast if it's just a dog shit prototype where you don't care about code quality, security, performance or even implementing requirements correctly. If that's what you want just hire some random pajeet.

hackernews is far better than Any Forums

didn't read, go bawwww somewhere else bitchtits.

this. i can find more interesting articles there in 30 minutes than in 3 months on this board. it's the same episodes every day here
>i'm about to le distro hop xD which one do i pick xD
>10 twitter screenshot threads that all devolve into screeching about trannies
>20 worthless CONSOOOOOOOOMER generals
>10 other "is coffee good for you?" bait threads

>this. i can find more interesting articles there in 30 minutes than in 3 months on this board. it's the same episodes every day here
no fucking shit, Any Forums is NOT a news aggregator you fucking smoothbrain, both site are NOT alternatives to each other....


>typical jews, flagging my post

Browsing Any Forums is like watching monkeys fight. Browsing hacker news is like watching monkeys put on a hat and a coat and trying to write poetry. Both are entertaining in their own way, but one gets boring sooner than the other

Yes, people misses those points about hn is better than g. Good work for higlight these, user.

>A guy once delivered an impressive prototype in 10 fucking weeks
Because it's just a prototype. Getting something that it actually viable for production typically required a lot of work. Any chud can get a prototype of something working over a weekend at most.

the enemy is productivity culture. it's completely wrecked this whole industry and turned everyone into consuming and authority worshiping wage monkies

This. OP sounds some script kiddie with delusions of grandeur.

It's also garbage at facilitating interesting discussions. Only the generals are worth a damn.

At least one of the two isn't "muh elite invite-only club"

>they are brainwashing
>see Any Forums
>muh javascript baaad, c# goood, java = pajeeets

>>muh javascript baaad, c# goood, java = pajeeets
literally true though

the monkeys trying to write poetry gets boring sooner

>For the brainwashing that they’re doing to up and coming developers.
>It’s insane. I see employees regurgitate these “top comment, upvoted opinions” without ever stopping and thinking about what they’re actually saying.
>>It’s never “just” that simple
>>ooh, but never implement your own crypto!
>Blah blah, I get it. You read some comments on hacker news. Good for you.
>But when an expert tells you you should be able to achieve something in 3 months, you don’t respond with “it’s never ‘just’ that simple”
>A guy once delivered an impressive prototype in 10 fucking weeks, from scratch. When he proposed the project people thought he was delusional. And he fucking did it. A massive project. Why? Because he knows what he’s talking about.
>And even after that, when he proposed a solution and a timeline on a separate project that involved building similar modules, he was met with “oh, it’s harder than it looks. It’s never just ‘just’”.
>How about you stop finding excuses for your incompetence.
OP is a dumbass more at ten

Thats every online tech forum ever.

and everyone clapped

kys pytard
