Why don’t programmers look like this anymore?

Why don’t programmers look like this anymore?

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because nobody looks like that anymore

they want to be soiboi faggots instead of men

They decided they prefer having sex

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because their legs tripled in length

They died without reproducing

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Women love Software Engineers

because the days of real software engineers are over now its the age of baseddevs.

Attached: 1635493792072.jpg (623x454, 59.13K)

Can I live in your world? Sounds nice there.

I will look like this in 15 years or 10

I'm not a programmer but kinda look like this

I look like that, shitbitch.

yes, just go outside.

Claim: Women love software engineers

Proof: We will prove using the logical construction: Women love money => Women love software engineers. since women loving money is a trivial truth and software engineers make 100k starting the conclusion follows naturally.


> but kinda look like this
Sorry for you loss

Move out of saisage fest tech hubs like silicon valley and start tastefully flaunting your money

It seems like white women don't care about money that much as how brown your are.
Don't ask me why I don't understand those retards lol.

This site has rotten your brain if you unironically believe this

I guess good money brought in people other than nerds into this business.

I don't know, but I'm glad they don't.

It's not the 70s/80s anymore

>Women love money => Women love software engineers
Except in the case where the software engineer has no money, so the entire argument is poorly formed. T => F INVALID

> Except in the case where the software engineer has no money
How would someone manage to fuck up that bad? Software engineers is one of the highest paid IC professions out there, the average salary is literally above 100k