How in the holy fuck do you transfer videos from desktop to iphone?

I just want to watch seinfeld episodes on iphone but it fucking can't do that. Yes I have installed ituned and tried all that bullshit.

How did this DOGSHIT make so much money? You can't even play videos unless it's from a fucking "cloud"?

Attached: 1324268447306.png (370x382, 325.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google le cloud

google how 2 kill self painlessly and fast

>open airdrop
>works instantly for transferring any file
sorry your desktop sucks

So you can't transfer video from desktop to iphone without specialist software and knowledge. I already knew that.

oh i meant le drive
google le drive

I mean kill yourself very fast and efficiently

Exhaust pipe of a car could work. You just go to sleep.

>specialist software
Comes on all Apple devices by default
>and knowledge
Yeah I guess if drag-and-drop is specialized knowledge to you.
Sorry you bought a shit desktop that can't transfer files to the most common phone :(

python -m http.server

I have Windows 10 and itunes and I can't fucking transfer a video file to dogshit product iphone.

>I have Windows 10
There's your problem

My fucking god, I'm in a mood to torture and kill a fucking apple basedjack. i wasted $800 on this dogshit and it can't even play a FUCKING VIDEO.

>buys an apple product
>immediately becomes a computer illiterate retard
Like clockwork

Yet you can't explain how to transfer a video file from windows to iphone. You can't.
>just use itunes duh
"Itunes Store" which is the only "itunes" app according to search, is an app that tries to sell you movies, there's nothing in there about accessing files from your other devices

>Yet you can't explain how to transfer a video file from windows to iphone. You can't.
I can but I'm not going to tell you. I'm just going to sit here and watch you throw an impotent tantrum and fling insults to try and trick people into telling you what you want to know. But nobody will tell you, because you're a faggot.

I just throw mp4 files into the DCIM folder.

You can't paste anything into the DCIM folder.

Attached: 796px-Konqi.svg-2509380381.png (796x1023, 189.78K)

This proves it. File sharing from computer to iphone has been disabled outside of ridiculous shit like emailing yourself.
I can't wait to get trojaned, Depak. You're my only love.

vlc on ios lets you host a web server where you can transfer files between your pc and phone

connect iphone to 'puter
there's an option in itunes to manually manage media
then just drag file(s) from explorer to itunes
you can view it in the "tv" app

Infuse player carries its own set of servers and clients to do that. I use its ftp server to transfer files.
Also every player has its own storage, connect to itunes and transfer files inside it.

>How did this DOGSHIT make so much money?
by making it hard to use your own media and reselling it to you in the crapp store