Is it safe to open an excel document from a scammer? what's the worst that can happen?

is it safe to open an excel document from a scammer? what's the worst that can happen?

Attached: file.png (1200x1116, 94.8K)

>open document
>macro activates
>downloads virus on your drive

If the scammer knows his shit that is

no way to prevent that?

Yeah. Not opening it

disable the micro thing

how do i do that on mac?

install homebrew and php

Attached: file.png (431x176, 12.67K)

If you're just looking for the data in the document, you could convert it to a text file like csv or tsv.
If you really need to open the original file, you could disable macros and for extra safety open it in a VM.

Open the excel as a xml , rename the file from .xlsx to .zip and get what you want from there, and delete the weird shit / macros

i think i got it. oof

Attached: file.png (1600x836, 452.69K)

Show us what's in the document

some stupid shit. it doesn't even have macros (i got no notifications)

Attached: file.png (2716x2108, 2.02M)

He tried to make a receipt in excel

Attached: lel.jpg (554x418, 48.02K)

So future reference, if it's an xls or xlsx file, it doesn't contain macros so calm your fuckin tits and just open the file. Only xlm and xlsm files contain macros, which yeah, you should assiduously avoid opening those files if you aren't familiar with the source.

Secondly you're in a mac so any pajeet who's writing a virus whose delivery vector is a fucking excel file isn't gonna have much luck actually infecting your system with anything so once again calm your fuckin tits.

thanks for that information

What if I open it on Linux in open office?

A file extension doesn't mean anything you retards. pic related

Attached: 363_FHAUXe8WQAId9Rv.jpg (700x525, 71.16K)

Security through mediocrity
Libre Office sucks so much that it won't be able to load the macros properly


How would someone even go about doing this? I wouldn't think Excel would have access to system resources. Some sort of buffer overflow vulnerability? Doesn't seem likely to me. Especially since OP is using Mac, the odds seems nill to me (using a macro with a Microsoft product to compromise a Unix based system). If the scammer is that L33t he should be ransoming hospitals, not bothering some Mac fag.