Do you customize your tech equipment?

Do you customize your tech equipment?

Attached: laptop.jpg (1080x993, 167.1K)

That pic gave me flashbacks to 2012 SF startup scene. Good times desu.

Every thing I own is customised with a thin film of sticky ooze as well as cracks and dents. For aesthetic purposes only.

the only sticker I ever put on my laptops was an "Intel i7 inside" when I upgraded the cpu

I almost never remove the stickers from Laptops or monitors unless they obstruct the view / look like shit. Some just look very nice and can stay.

only to cover up imperfections out of pure necessity, customizing shit is gay as fuck

do this if you want desktop support guys to rub their nuts on your keyboard

it was pretty comfy back then
too bad in half a decade it would rot away to utter shit


i remove stickers

no I graduated college already

only stickers I receive for free from events and companies

Yes my laptop looks like this.
Why would I not?

Attached: IMG_20220519_145431.jpg (4000x3000, 2.86M)

And this is one of my keyboard

Attached: IMG_20220406_191642.jpg (4000x3000, 1.36M)

every person I have met who uses this many stickers has been an insufferable cunt

No im not a 12 year old

event sticker are easy convo starter.

I think some of the site banners would look cool as a sticker.

Attached: 1650789957676.gif (300x100, 368.71K)

Putting stickers on your laptop is the male programmer version of psycho bpd women dying their hair a problem color. Do you REALLY want to be that guy, user?

Attached: 1651445616657.jpg (600x800, 69.52K)

You wish user

Sounds like a long time ago