What IDE does Any Forums use?

What IDE does Any Forums use?

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IDEs are for dum dums. use a good text editor with a good terminal. you don't need more

The JetBrains IDE for whatever language I’m writing (usually Go)
There is no substitute

echo {c,f}at lol


in ms windows

My computer isn't powerful enough to use an IDE.

vim make gcc

the one i wrote

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VS Code and terminal

fuck off with your 'vim'

Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise Edition

emacs + lsp-mode

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and emacs

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I use:
- Qt Creator for my Qt Widgets based personal project on Windows.
- VS Code on my workplace laptop.

You obviously don't work in this industry.

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alias howdoivim='vim -c '\''help user-manual'\'' -c '\''only'\'' -c '\''vsp'\'' -c '\''help index'\'''

Eclipse, well technically STS

VSCode since I'm a well-adjusted and highly successful White Heterosexual Male.

XCode since I'm a highly successful and creative raging homosexual.
