Why are you still using (((4chanX)))?

Why are you still using (((4chanX)))?

Attached: 2022-01-05 19-03-13 2-web.png (850x1275, 1.62M)

how the fuck does someone NOT use 4chanx?

>using bloat

touch fluffy tail

I'm not anymore I use bookmarks and vanilla Any Forums without auto-updates now.

i have never ever used it. people cite features from 4chanx that are already available in vanilla Any Forums, so i never bothered to look into it

archive+preview+fast image servers are not available in native extension.
The only problem is that it hasn't been updated in a while but it still works so meh

why not

Vanilla already has (you) and thread watcher? Does it support theming? Does it save my threads after I clean all the cookies (I do that on exit)?
If yes, I'll stop using 4chanX right now, since it's the only thing I use Violentmonkey for.


>people cite features from 4chanx that are already available in vanilla Any Forums
Such as? Even basic features such as randomizing file names are missing.

>Vanilla already has (you) and thread watcher?
>Does it support theming?
>Does it save my threads after I clean all the cookies
your cookies arent cleaned if your threads are remembered

>your cookies arent cleaned if your threads are remembered

Attached: cookies.png (1261x943, 125.2K)

Also, just opened in incognito mode and see no theming support. Your only option is to write a custom CSS.
Why are you lying?

Just werks after all these years. I prefer my 4chins to look nice.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 405.28K)

it makes him le hardcore oldfag of incel imageboard if he uses the stock featureless garbage.

>your cookies arent cleaned if your threads are remembered

Attached: 1648662319203.jpg (914x892, 110.04K)

>no theming support
>Your only option is to write a custom CSS
whats 2+2? and DONT say 4, give me a real answer

Attached: 1637108129364.jpg (650x975, 101.73K)

> Just write your own CSS
Yeah, you do that. I'll continue simply checking the colors in GUI.

you can just copy paste css themes, theres a lot of them out there. anyways, the point is that 4chanx is mostly redundant