
can i run a windows 10 vm on debian with a ryzen 5 5600g without passthrough?
the vm is not for gaming just need to run a few windows only programs

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If you have a discrete gpu you can young blood
Your linux display driver should be the integrated graphics

thanks for clarifying
i have a gt 730(ik ik) laying around, will that do?

nvm stupid question, it probably will.

one more thing though, how do i tell linux to use the igpu and tell the vm to use the shitty one?



no its not enough, I couldn't run a windows xp vm using a radeon HD 5830 10 years ago, VMs are superrrr GPU heavy

if its not for gaming and don't need 3d acceleration there should be no issues running the VM without a passthrough card

just run the VM

i dont think so, i used to run vbox with the same graphics card and 3gb ram, its not for heavy use
also even if i couldnt can you answer my question above

ok thanks mate

Yes, why would you not be able to, especially without passthrough?

>can i run a windows 10 vm on debian with a ryzen 5 5600g without passthrough?
>without passthrough?
Can you? Yes, but it will be near unusable. Just dualboot if you can't do passthrough, it's really not worth the hassle

dualboot sucks ass because windows every 3 month update thing

Get a seperate SSD for windows and linux. What software do you want to use in the VM?

You can. But youll want to use virgl or passthrough to make the vm more usable

No need for pissthrough unless you're gayman or otherwise need super low latency. Just turn ricing off.
Install the drivers and try to switch as much over to virtio as possible.
t. sysadmin with a win7 VM for vsphere and random management software for shitty hardware.

Of course you can. What would stop you from running a VM on a modern CPU?

>how do i tell linux to use the igpu and tell the vm to use the shitty one?
Wait, didn't you just say in the OP that you did not want to do passthrough?

>Get a seperate SSD for windows and linux.
In what would that help?

Windows will not fuck up or mess with your linux partition in some meme update.

And what makes you think it won't fuck up or mess with my Linux partition on another disk? Windows will still have the same access to both, no?

>Wait, didn't you just say in the OP that you did not want to do passthrough?

well i had a shitty 730 lying around but i dont think its gonna do much so im doing what said

>What software do you want to use in the VM?
office, and i want to develop a windows only program that cant compile on linux


thanks for all the help.
mind you i dont have the computer right now but the parts come in a week and im super hyped to build it