Need a linux distro with good nvidia support

As mentioned in the subject, I only got this one laptop with Intel/Nvidia hybrid gpu and planning to slowly switching to linux fully, any recommendation? is Pop Os good?

Attached: 15de88a3.png (390x270, 26.49K)

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just wait til they release their open source drivers and hope they don't suck.

arch linux.

Attached: 1651701648695.png (943x318, 56.25K)

OP here on another device, will it ever release tho? Been somewhat skeptical about it, yes some part of it is open source but the important bits have yet to come.

at least that's what I read about online.


Didn't Arch noticeably know to break its update once in a while??

Pop OS is not good. Too many extensions on GNOME making it a buggy mess.

Yeah this was on my mind too when thinking more about it.

Does this installer works when you want to set up a dual boot?

but it just works you faggot retard, they literally have a "nvidia" version

It's GTK shit and systemd shit which means not only does it not just work, you're better off using Windows. This is true for all of Linux really but at least Devuan, EndeavourOS, Void and Artix have some niche use in servers.

Well since I am planning to dualboot, which distro would you recommend me?

Windows 11

splendid, dualbooting windows 10 and 11

It doesn't matter, all Linux distros use the same NVIDIA driver.

Not Arch. NVIDIA, because Arch is a rolling release distro and NVIDIA can't always keep pace with the rest of the community. Hopefully a new open source driver will help fix that but I'm doubtful since it looks more like a "throwing code over the wall" approach to Open Source. If they aren't interested in getting it mainlined as part of the Linux kernel then it is doomed to fail.

You are literally asking opinion from a retard. You're not gonna make it dude.
PopOs is one of the best distros out there. It just works.
> muh gnome
> muh extension
No one cares about your imaginary problems.


linux mint

try endevour OS. Its like manjaro but less bloatware

Attached: os.jpeg.jpg (2560x1080, 689.86K)

>muh systemd is the devil
>muh gnome makes your penis explode
Tell me 3 actual fucking technical reasons for not using any of these two, besides "muh pottering", "it looks ugly" or moronic culture war bullshit.

So baby first arch install that's gonna explode in exactly three months?