Hey, DT


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Is he actually retarded? I watched his latest video where he tried to install fedora i3 and he complained about lack of instruction where there was a clear instruction on how to run the installer when he opened the terminal

Has this nigger ever written anything in his life? He makes 20 videos month about optimizing workflow and efficiency (when he's not doing his 50th review of Ubuntu) but I've yet to see him show off one script he's written or even a GitHub link. Is he just a grifter?

>or even a GitHub link

He's not a programmer, and yes it's hilarious that people like him spent the last decade learning how to get efficient but don't code at all.
But he's competent enough to pull out a simple GUI app he made with Haskell with zero experience, so he could code that's for sure. He's very intelligent and consistent, also very self aware, it's a shame people only consoom useless distro reviews so he keep doing that useless shit over and over. Also "production machine" to record unedited videos and nothing more. Very funny.

>Any Forums - Technology
This post is off-topic. Stop posting this shit, retards. Stop paying attention to e-celebs. Stop wasting your time and ours.

It makes me so sad that instead of reviewing distros he could educate losers on programming concepts, instigating people on doing fun projects or even scripting in plain bash, but instead he's community is for 10 years searching the perfect distro the should be just like any other so they could be more productive installing VMS and distro hoping

He did recently say he wants to do more "nerdy" stuff like more in-depth Haskell videos.

desu I'd take this shitpost over another linux-hate bait

Much better than console war threads.

is that greg k h?

Attached: unnamed (2).jpg (400x300, 35.74K)

How does this post make any sense? There are already channels that explain programming concepts and everyone can watch them already. If he would switch his content his current viewers would just go to another channel that does what he is doing now and he would get new viewers that watch another programming channels. It's all about target audiences. It's not like he can convert someone who's only interested in ricing desktops.

>Linix Mient

He is annoying as fuck. He publishes videos about how he uses Xmonad and makes a series about his configuration like.. Who the fuck benefits off of it? Whats the point?

>Whats the point?
Convince people to use xmonad? Like literally the same thing luke shith does with dwm?

he is just like "woah i am using xmonad because yea and i use it since this long and whoa here look my huge fucking config its like 2000 lines yup you heard it right" he then does like 7 videos about each important segment of his config where he just opens the terminal and scrolls through and is like "yeah xmonad is great and stuff"


Attention to detail and a long attention span aren't any of your strong points are they retard?
Nvm, those that are setting up a system that closely matches DT's setup will no doubt find it an invaluable source of information. That's the important point, putting information about these weird esoteric things out there so that others can learn from it.
I don't doubt you don't find anything like this even remotely useful since I already know you're a retard and use $treet$hitterO$ because manesh in the next cubicle to you told you to.

>I already know you're a retard and use $treet$hitterO$
I don't get it. Whats the OS?

He was literally fired from a grocery shop where he used to stack shelves. He is probably a former NEET that ran out of his parents' money.